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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

New 'emotional' Robot ­nveiled in Japan
From ACM TechNews

New 'emotional' Robot ­nveiled in Japan

Scientists at Tokyo's Waseda University recently demonstrated KOBIAN, a robot that is able to express emotion with its entire face and body. KOBIAN can use its...

­sing Video Game Processors For Defense Needs
From ACM News

­sing Video Game Processors For Defense Needs

Researchers in the Georgia Tech Research Institute (GTRI) and the Georgia Tech School of Electrical and Computer Engineering are developing programming tools to...

Interactive Robot Guided By Sensors, Not Remote Controls
From ACM TechNews

Interactive Robot Guided By Sensors, Not Remote Controls

Brown University professor Chad Jenkins and his team have developed a robot capable of holding a conversation, gesturing, and following a human's movement without...

From ACM TechNews

Managing the Data Deluge

The Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) at the University of Texas recently unveiled the Corral, a central repository for data collections designed to handle...

Water-Cooled Supercomputer Doubles as Dorm Space Heater
From ACM TechNews

Water-Cooled Supercomputer Doubles as Dorm Space Heater

IBM and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology are building the Aquasar, a new supercomputer that will use water to keep the system cool and will recycle some...

From ACM TechNews

­csd Scientists Receive Innovation Research Awards From Hp Labs

University of California, San Diego (UCSD) computer scientists Amin Vahdat and Geoffrey Voelker are two of the 60 professors that will receive awards as part of...

Roadrunner Continues to Outpace Supercomputing Field
From ACM News

Roadrunner Continues to Outpace Supercomputing Field

Despite the Jaguar nipping at its heels, Roadrunner continues to speed past the supercomputing pack. That's according to the twice yearly Top500 list of the fastest...

From ACM TechNews

Ties That Bind: Organizing Large-Scale HPC in the European Union

The European Union (EU) is making a substantial investment in pan-European resources in an effort to place its members on the cutting edge of the computational...

Intel Toots Its Research Horn For Chips  and More
From ACM TechNews

Intel Toots Its Research Horn For Chips and More

Intel's recent Research Day provided demonstrations and previews of the variety of projects that extend beyond the company's core computer processor business....

From ACM TechNews

Finding Could Help Electronics Industry Enter New Phase

Researchers at the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) have made a discovery that could lead to smaller, faster, more powerful, and more...

From ACM TechNews

Neural Networks That Replicate Biological Brains

Imperial College London professor of cognitive robotics Murray Shanahan is using graphics processing technology originally developed for the gaming industry to...

From ACM TechNews

Futurephile: Knowledge Embedded in Everything

The day will come when everyone will wear glasses with a computer overlay capable of processing the faces of passersby and tell wearers if they have met someone...

From ACM TechNews

Carnegie Mellon Java Tools Employ Human-Centered Design Techniques

Carnegie Mellon NewsCarnegie Mellon University (CMU) researchers have developed Jadeite and Apatite, two tools designed to help programmers choose between the thousands...

From ACM TechNews

New Exotic Material Could Revolutionize Electronics

Physicists at the U.S. Department of Energy's SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory and Stanford University have discovered that the compound bismuth telluride acts...

Isuppli: Gear Costs to Derail Moore's Law in 2014
From ACM TechNews

Isuppli: Gear Costs to Derail Moore's Law in 2014

Market research firm ISuppli predicts Moore's Law will end after 2014 due to the high cost of chip manufacturing equipment. The market research firm expects advances...

Ibm Marks Breakthrough in Molecular Electronics
From ACM TechNews

Ibm Marks Breakthrough in Molecular Electronics

IBM scientists have succeeded in measuring the charge state of individual atoms using non-contact atomic force microscopy, which could have a major impact on molecular...

Vinton Cerf: Outer Space Could be Next Frontier for Cybersecurity
From ACM TechNews

Vinton Cerf: Outer Space Could be Next Frontier for Cybersecurity

NASA and Google Internet evangelist Vinton Cerf are currently testing an extraterrestrial Internet that could lead to technology for use in securing ad hoc networks...

Nasa: Robots Critical to Endeavour's Mission on Space Station
From ACM TechNews

Nasa: Robots Critical to Endeavour's Mission on Space Station

The U.S. space shuttle's current mission, one of the most technical ever attempted by NASA, would not be possible without the use of robotics, says Holly Ridings...

From ACM TechNews

DOE Researchers Test Limits of Visualization Tool

U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) researchers recently ran a series of tests to see whether the VisIt visualization application could extract scientific insight from...

Brain-Computer Interface Begins New Clinical Trial
From ACM TechNews

Brain-Computer Interface Begins New Clinical Trial

The second clinical trial of the BrainGate Neural Interface System developed at Brown University is about to start at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) in Boston...
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