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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Amateur Mapmakers Redraw Boundaries, Working Online
From ACM News

Amateur Mapmakers Redraw Boundaries, Working Online

Reshaped and renamed by generations of developers and gentrifiers, the borders of New York City’s neighborhoods are often hazy at best. Yesterday's Chinatown is...

From ACM News

Secrets Learned in Apple-Samsung Trial

When companies go to trial, as Apple and Samsung have learned, the public gets to hear corporate secrets. Among those revealed:

In Apple’s Patent Case, Tech Shifts May Follow
From ACM News

In Apple’s Patent Case, Tech Shifts May Follow

This week, nine jurors are expected to hunker down in a federal courthouse here to decide a case that could change how the world's smartphones and tablet computers...

The Campaign to Digitize Your Wallet Is Intensifying
From ACM News

The Campaign to Digitize Your Wallet Is Intensifying

Last week, Starbucks joined forces with Square, a technology start-up that lets you pay for things with a smartphone. Coming from a company whose cafes seem to...

Strong and Fast Markets, but No Time to Think
From ACM News

Strong and Fast Markets, but No Time to Think

Financial markets have greatly improved over the past quarter-century.

The Frightening Things You Hear at a Black Hat Conference
From ACM Opinion

The Frightening Things You Hear at a Black Hat Conference

Here is a look at some of the highlights and scarier happenings taking place at the annual Black Hat hacker conference in Las Vegas last week.

From ACM News

Rise Is Seen in Cyberattacks Targeting ­.s. Infrastructure

The top American military official responsible for defending the United States against cyberattacks said Thursday that there had been a 17-fold increase in computer...

At Casino, Fuming Gamblers Leave Behind Maimed Machines
From ACM News

At Casino, Fuming Gamblers Leave Behind Maimed Machines

Along with over 5,000 blinking, whirring digital gambling machines, the new Resorts World Casino, opponents predicted, would bring a surge of crime to Queens when...

The Drone Zone
From ACM News

The Drone Zone

Holloman Air Force Base, at the eastern edge of New Mexico's White Sands Missile Range, 200 miles south of Albuquerque, was once famous for the daredevil maneuvers...

You For Sale: Mapping, and Sharing, the Consumer Genome
From ACM News

You For Sale: Mapping, and Sharing, the Consumer Genome

It knows who you are. It knows where you live. It knows what you do.

Verifying Ages Online Is a Daunting Task, Even For Experts
From ACM News

Verifying Ages Online Is a Daunting Task, Even For Experts

Just how hard can it be to verify the age of a person online?

Shots Fired, Pinpointed and Argued Over
From ACM News

Shots Fired, Pinpointed and Argued Over

 At 7:22:07 p.m. on a recent Thursday, an electronic alarm went off in the soundproof control room of a suburban office building here.

As Computing Changes, Hewlett-Packard Struggles to Follow
From ACM News

As Computing Changes, Hewlett-Packard Struggles to Follow

As the computer industry makes a radical shift to new modes of computing—in the cloud and on tablets and smartphones—Hewlett-Packard, a stalwart of the previous...

Closure in Disappearance of Computer Scientist
From ACM News

Closure in Disappearance of Computer Scientist

Just over five years ago, Jim Gray, a computer scientist then working for Microsoft, vanished with his sailboat somewhere in the waters beyond the Golden Gate Bridge...

Facebook's Prospects May Rest on Trove of Data
From ACM News

Facebook's Prospects May Rest on Trove of Data

Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook's chief, has managed to amass more information about more people than anyone else in history. Now what?

The Education of Mark Zuckerberg
From ACM News

The Education of Mark Zuckerberg

Mark Zuckerberg is ready for his close-up.

How to Muddy Your Tracks on the Internet
From ACM News

How to Muddy Your Tracks on the Internet

Legal and technology researchers estimate that it would take about a month for Internet users to read the privacy policies of all the Web sites they visit in a...

Data Engineer in Google Case Is Identified
From ACM News

Data Engineer in Google Case Is Identified

At the center of the uproar over a Google project that scooped up personal data from potentially millions of unsuspecting people is the company software engineer...

From ACM News

Smartphone Patent Wars: The Coming Sequel

Billions of dollars are being spent to amass patent arsenals, and lawsuits are flying worldwide.

Iraq Emerges From Isolation as Telecommunications Hub
From ACM News

Iraq Emerges From Isolation as Telecommunications Hub

Iraq, cut off from decades of technological progress because of dictatorship, sanctions and wars, recently took a big step out of isolation and into the digital...
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