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Communications of the ACM


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subjectComputer Applications
authorUniversity of Copenhagen (Denmark)

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Researchers Taught an Algorithm to 'Taste'
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Taught an Algorithm to 'Taste'

Scientists taught an algorithm to better predict an individual's tastes in wines.

Number Cruncher Calculates Whether Whales are Acting Weirdly
From ACM TechNews

Number Cruncher Calculates Whether Whales are Acting Weirdly

Researchers applied statistical techniques to differentiate natural from affected behavior among whales.

English Bias in Computing: Images to the Rescue
From ACM TechNews

English Bias in Computing: Images to the Rescue

An image-based benchmark could overcome cultural bias stemming from machine learning (ML) training datasets being written in English.

App Helps Doctors Help Leukemia Patients
From ACM TechNews

App Helps Doctors Help Leukemia Patients

CLL-Pre-Diagnostic Lymphocytosis app helps doctors ID people at risk of infection following diagnosis of chronic lymphocytic leukemia.

What Could Possibly Go Wrong with VR?
From ACM TechNews

What Could Possibly Go Wrong with VR?

Researchers hope to inform design and experiential improvements to virtual reality technology by analyzing YouTube videos of accidents that occur while using the...
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