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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

World Champion in Automatic Image and Video Search
From ACM TechNews

World Champion in Automatic Image and Video Search

A search system developed by researchers at the University of Amsterdam has the potential to make it easier to find an image or video on the Internet or in large...

Insurgents Hack ­.s. Drones
From ACM News

Insurgents Hack ­.s. Drones

Militants in Iraq have used $26 off-the-shelf software to intercept live video feeds from U.S. Predator drones, potentially providing them with information they...

Augmented Reality Gets Ready For Work
From ACM News

Augmented Reality Gets Ready For Work

Much of the work on augmented reality (AR) has focused on applying computer-generated virtual imagery to video games and other consumer applications, but the technology...

Google Collaborates With D-Wave on Possible Quantum Image Search
From ACM TechNews

Google Collaborates With D-Wave on Possible Quantum Image Search

Google has developed new search technology that recognizes images significantly faster than the computers currently used in its data centers. The image search...

From ACM TechNews

Surgery on Beating Heart Thanks to Robotic Helping Hand

Researchers at France's Montpellier Laboratory of Informatics, Robotics, and Microelectronics have developed a computerized three-dimensional (3D) model that enables...

Five Ways to Revolutionize Computer Memory
From ACM TechNews

Five Ways to Revolutionize Computer Memory

Various technologies are under development in labs worldwide to dramatically enhance computer memory capacity beyond that of flash memory. 

A Deluge of Data Shapes a New Era in Computing
From ACM News

A Deluge of Data Shapes a New Era in Computing

In a speech given just a few weeks before he was lost at sea off the California coast in January 2007, Jim Gray, a database software pioneer and a Microsoft researcher...

From ACM TechNews

With Draft Standard, 3d Web Closer to Reality

The Khronos Group and Mozilla have announced the release of WebGL, a new standard for enabling Web browsers to support three-dimensional (3D) graphics. The draft...

Interactive Animations Give Science Students a Boost
From ACM News

Interactive Animations Give Science Students a Boost

A new study shows that university science students who supplement their studies with interactive, game-like computer animations retain a much better understanding...

Network Analysis Reveals True Connections
From ACM TechNews

Network Analysis Reveals True Connections

Northwestern University researchers have developed a universal method that can correctly analyze a variety of complex networks. The researchers tested their method...

So, That Explains the Headache
From ACM TechNews

So, That Explains the Headache

A new University of California, San Diego (UCSD) study found that the average U.S. citizen consumes 34 gigabytes of information per day outside of the workplace...

From ACM News

Popeye, the Robot with Brains Not Brawn

European researchers have developed a new approach to artificial intelligence that could empower computers to respond intelligently to human behaviour as well as...

From ACM News

22 Stories ­nderground: Iron Mountain's Experimental Room 48

Down a road that winds through the rolling hills of western Pennsylvania, just across from a cow pasture, the bucolic scenery of Butler County is interrupted by...

From ACM News

At a Loss For Words? Google Offers Search By Sight

Google's first search engine let people search by typing text onto a Web page. Next came queries spoken over the phone. On Monday, Google announced the ability...

Paper Screens Could Provide Depth to Computer Display
From ACM TechNews

Paper Screens Could Provide Depth to Computer Display

Researchers have designed an inexpensive interface system that uses a ceiling-mounted projector and an infrared camera to detect the placement of objects on a horizontal...

From ACM TechNews

Research Developed at the School of Computing Empowers the Web of Data

Researchers at the Universidad Politecnica de Madrid's School of Computing have developed an access protocol for data resources defined in RDF(S), a set of recommendations...

Mathematical Models Could Track Gossip, and Terrorists
From ACM News

Mathematical Models Could Track Gossip, and Terrorists

Thanks to the Internet and online social networks (OSNs) news and gossip now spread seemingly without any order. But according Ryerson University researcher Anthony...

How Search Engines Cope With Real-Time Data
From ACM News

How Search Engines Cope With Real-Time Data

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Local Governments Offer Data to Software Trackers
From ACM TechNews

Local Governments Offer Data to Software Trackers

Local governments are trying to make government data more accessible to citizens, and some are turning over data to programmers to make it more usable. One example...

Californians and Cell Phones to Help Computer Scientists Track Air Pollution
From ACM News

Californians and Cell Phones to Help Computer Scientists Track Air Pollution

Computer scientists at University of California, San Diego are creating a network of environmental sensors that will help identify air pollution hot spots. The...
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