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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Communications Web Site Wins Best New Site Award
From ACM News

Communications Web Site Wins Best New Site Award

ACM's Web platform for its flagship publication Communications of the ACM ( garnered the top award for best new Web site by Media Business magazine...

On the Road to Secure Car-to-Car Communications
From ICT Results

On the Road to Secure Car-to-Car Communications

A European research project works out how to keep car-to-car data transmissions private and secure from malicious hackers.

Role For Robots: Helping Elderly at Home
From ACM TechNews

Role For Robots: Helping Elderly at Home

Three University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) engineers and a Rush University nursing specialist have been awarded a three-year, $989,000 National Science Foundation...

From ACM TechNews

Computer Scientists Win Morpho Challenge 2009

University of Bristol computer scientists have won the Morpho Challenge, an international science competition financed by the European Union through its PASCAL...

Stimulus Funds to Further Cyber Security Research
From ACM TechNews

Stimulus Funds to Further Cyber Security Research

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 will fund a project designed to protect the privacy and security of business information systems and data centers...

Nationwide Research Network Will Expand Supercomputer Capabilities
From ACM TechNews

Nationwide Research Network Will Expand Supercomputer Capabilities

Indiana University (IU) researchers will lead a four-year, $15 million National Science Foundation project to develop software to connect future supercomputers...

Catching Fake Meds in a Snapshot
From ACM TechNews

Catching Fake Meds in a Snapshot

New York University researchers have proposed Epothecary, a system that uses cell phones to authenticate and track drugs distributed in the developing world. The...

Nsf Awards a Petascale Computing Grant to Study Turbulent Clouds
From ACM TechNews

Nsf Awards a Petascale Computing Grant to Study Turbulent Clouds

University of Delaware National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) scientists have received a $1,064,500 grant from the National Science Foundation to conduct...

Machines Still Way Behind Humans in Image Recognition
From ACM News

Machines Still Way Behind Humans in Image Recognition

Computers can copy many aspects of human behavior, but they don't yet possess our ability to recognize distorted images, says a team of researchers. "Our goal is...

New Microprocessor Runs on Thin Air
From ACM TechNews

New Microprocessor Runs on Thin Air

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor researchers Minsoung Rhee and Mark Burns have developed a series of channels and valves that process binary signals by sucking...

Open-Source Camera Could Revolutionize Digital Photography
From ACM TechNews

Open-Source Camera Could Revolutionize Digital Photography

The Frankencamera is an open source device developed by Stanford University researchers that will enable programmers to change the camera's features and support...

Arkansas Receives $3.3 Million Grant From National Science Foundation
From ACM TechNews

Arkansas Receives $3.3 Million Grant From National Science Foundation

The University of Arkansas has received a $3.3 million National Science Foundation grant to build and support a cyberinfrastructure and to train students and workers...

Powerful Supercomputers Boost ­.s. Weather Forecasts
From ACM News

Powerful Supercomputers Boost ­.s. Weather Forecasts

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has completed implementation of the final phase of a nine year, $180 million contract by installing the...

Computer Models Aim to Classify, Help Reduce Injury Accidents
From ACM TechNews

Computer Models Aim to Classify, Help Reduce Injury Accidents

Researchers at Purdue University and the Liberty Mutual Research Institute for Safety are developing computer models to search through the thousands of injury reports...

How Belief Makes European E-Infrastructure Real
From ICT Results

How Belief Makes European E-Infrastructure Real

Europe has turned its early belief and investment in the potential of e-Infrastructures and virtual research into a position of strength, especially in e-Science...

Bio-Nano Device Could Lead to Better Electronics
From ACM News

Bio-Nano Device Could Lead to Better Electronics

If manmade devices could be combined with biological machines, laptops and other electronic devices could get a boost in operating efficiency. Lawrence Livermore...

Quantum Computer Slips Onto Chips
From ACM TechNews

Quantum Computer Slips Onto Chips

A silicon chip about the size of a penny that uses photons to run Shor's algorithm has been developed by a team of researchers at the University of Bristol in the...

Adding Trust to Wikipedia, and Beyond
From ACM TechNews

Adding Trust to Wikipedia, and Beyond

WikiTrust, developed by University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC) researchers, helps users evaluate information published on Wikipedia by automatically assigning...

Still Trying to Crack Nazi Enigma Messages
From ACM TechNews

Still Trying to Crack Nazi Enigma Messages

Enigma@home is attempting to break one of three original messages generated by the Enigma machine, which was intercepted by the Allies in 1942. The Enigma M4 machine...

Welcome to 3-D Learning
From ACM TechNews

Welcome to 3-D Learning

The Kentucky Community & Technical College System (KCTCS) is using three-dimensional (3D) technology to enable students to interact with the content covered in...
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