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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Drexel to Deploy Smart Grid System
From ACM News

Drexel to Deploy Smart Grid System

Drexel University will deploy a smart grid system to provide real-time measurements of the University's power usage and allow excess power to be sold back to the...

Long-Range Effects Found in Advanced Magnetic Devices
From ACM News

Long-Range Effects Found in Advanced Magnetic Devices

A tiny grid pattern has led materials scientists at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the Institute of Solid State Physics in Russia...

Award-Winning Paper Reveals Key to Netflix Prize
From ACM News

Award-Winning Paper Reveals Key to Netflix Prize

When the organizers of the Netflix Prize contest announced late last week that one team had met the requirement for the $1 million Grand Prize, Yehuda Koren, a15th...

Data You Can Admire
From ACM TechNews

Data You Can Admire

The University of California, Davis' Visualization and Interface Design Innovation lab, run by professor Kwan-Liu Ma, seeks to render massive data sets into insightful...

From ACM TechNews

Techies the Latest Weapon in Catching Car Thieves

Researchers at the University of Technology, Sydney, (UTS) Australia, have developed software that uses new imaging technology to enable moving police cars to automatically...

Digital Boost For Works of Art
From ACM News

Digital Boost For Works of Art

Imagine the research possibilities of being able to view three-dimensional scans of museum objects, write dance moves electronically or study ancient documents...

Cars Get Cooperative
From ICT Results

Cars Get Cooperative

European researchers have developed a groundbreaking middleware platform that could lead to thousands of new applications in a range of industries. Beginning with...

Human-Like Vision Lets Robots Navigate Naturally
From ICT Results

Human-Like Vision Lets Robots Navigate Naturally

A robotic vision system that mimics key visual functions of the human brain promises to let robots maneuver quickly and safely through cluttered environments, and...

The Bottom Line on Solid State Drives
From ACM News

The Bottom Line on Solid State Drives

The majority of an organization's stored data sits untouched. Andrew Leung, a computer science researcher at the University of California, was part of a team that...

Less Fuss, More Muscle in Quantum Data Transfer
From ACM TechNews

Less Fuss, More Muscle in Quantum Data Transfer

Australian National University (ANU) researchers have discovered a more efficient way to use light to convey information. The approach to generating quantum entanglement...

Master of Connections
From Communications of the ACM

Master of Connections

Jon Kleinberg is honored for his pioneering research on the Web and social networking.

Are We Losing Our Ability to Think Critically?
From Communications of the ACM

Are We Losing Our Ability to Think Critically?

Computer technology has enhanced lives in countless ways, but some experts believe it might be affecting people's ability to think deeply.

Contemporary Approaches to Fault Tolerance
From Communications of the ACM

Contemporary Approaches to Fault Tolerance

Thanks to computer scientists like Barbara Liskov, researchers are making major progress with cost-efficient fault tolerance for Web-based systems.

­sing Computer Models to Predict War
From ACM TechNews

­sing Computer Models to Predict War

New York University professor Bruce Bueno de Mesquita has developed a computer model that can forecast the outcomes of international conflicts, and the U.S. Defense...

­nderwater Robots Identify Potential Threats in Murky Waters
From ACM News

­nderwater Robots Identify Potential Threats in Murky Waters

Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute at Florida Atlantic University has received $2 million from the U.S. Department of Defense, Office of Naval Research, to continue...

Rfid Examined as Shoplifting Prevention Technology
From ACM News

Rfid Examined as Shoplifting Prevention Technology

Shoplifting in retail outlets is an increasing problem that creates an estimated annual retail deficit of more than $30 billion, but RFID technology can help to...

Scars, Marks, and Tattoos: A Soft Biometric For Identifying Suspects and Victims
From ACM TechNews

Scars, Marks, and Tattoos: A Soft Biometric For Identifying Suspects and Victims

 Tattoo patterns are regularly cataloged by law enforcement agencies when booking suspects. Unfortunately, matching tattoos is a time-consuming, subjective process...

Universities Collaborate on Improved Life Sciences Data Transfer
From ACM TechNews

Universities Collaborate on Improved Life Sciences Data Transfer

Information technology leaders from Indiana University (IU) and Germany's Technische Universitat Dresden (TUD) recently announced a collaborative effort to improve...

One-Stop Shop For Grid Computing
From ICT Results

One-Stop Shop For Grid Computing

From searching for cures for disease to monitoring the Earth's atmosphere, grid computing has become essential to data-intensive research. But accessing limited...

From ACM TechNews

Managing the Data Deluge

The Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) at the University of Texas recently unveiled the Corral, a central repository for data collections designed to handle...
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