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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Facebook Reveals Language of Loneliness vs. Depression
From ACM TechNews

Facebook Reveals Language of Loneliness vs. Depression

Researchers analyzed Facebook posts to differentiate language associated with depression and with loneliness.

Samsung Breach Slams Consumers
From ACM News

Samsung Breach Slams Consumers

Including this writer.

Researchers Use Lasers to Trick Autonomous Cars
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Use Lasers to Trick Autonomous Cars

Researchers used a laser to trick autonomous vehicles' LiDAR systems to remove obstacles and pedestrians from view.

Manslaughter Case Has a Strange Twist: Tesla That Killed Couple Was on Autopilot
From ACM News

Manslaughter Case Has a Strange Twist: Tesla That Killed Couple Was on Autopilot

"Who's at fault, man or machine?"

F.T.C. Accuses Ed Tech Firm Chegg of 'Careless' Data Security
From ACM News

F.T.C. Accuses Ed Tech Firm Chegg of 'Careless' Data Security

Chegg, a homework help app, exposed the data of 40 million users, including details about some students' sexual orientation and religion, regulators said in a legal...

Quantum Computing May be Bolstered by Liquid-Like Electrons
From ACM TechNews

Quantum Computing May be Bolstered by Liquid-Like Electrons

Experiments conducted by scientists at the Nanyang Technological University in Singapore may strengthen quantum computing with liquid-like electrons called parafermions...

Researcher Combines AI, Microelectronics to Create Neural Implants that Fight Brain Disorders
From ACM TechNews

Researcher Combines AI, Microelectronics to Create Neural Implants that Fight Brain Disorders

Researchers at Canada's University of Toronto are leveraging microelectronics and artificial intelligence to make neural implants smarter and safer.

A 1990s Relic, Floppy Disks Get Second Life at California Warehouse
From ACM TechNews

A 1990s Relic, Floppy Disks Get Second Life at California Warehouse sells around 500 floppy disks per day.

Small Sensors for Big Challenges
From ACM News

Small Sensors for Big Challenges

Shwetak Patel hopes to build something that could impact the lives of a billion people.

Why the Future of the Computer Is Everywhere, All the Time
From ACM News

Why the Future of the Computer Is Everywhere, All the Time

'Ambient computing' is coming, and it promises to change how we interact with the world. But there are still a lot of challenges — and concerns — to overcome.

Self-Driving Cars Face Uncertain Path to U.S. Deployment
From ACM TechNews

Self-Driving Cars Face Uncertain Path to U.S. Deployment

The difficult path to deploying autonomous vehicles was highlighted by an announcement that Ford Motor Co. and Volkswagen AG would close their self-driving startup...

HoloLens Headsets Connect Patients, Metropolitan Doctors
From ACM TechNews

HoloLens Headsets Connect Patients, Metropolitan Doctors

Microsoft HoloLens mixed-reality holographic headsets are connecting remote patients in Australia with metropolitan physicians.

Japan Steps Up Push to Get Public Buy-in to Digital IDs
From ACM TechNews

Japan Steps Up Push to Get Public Buy-in to Digital IDs

Japan's government is urging the public to sign up for digital IDs, warning they could lose access to public health insurance otherwise.

Software Tools Aim to Aid 3D Content Creation for Metaverse
From ACM TechNews

Software Tools Aim to Aid 3D Content Creation for Metaverse

A set of software tools rolled out by Adobe Inc. aims to facilitate the development three-dimensional digital objects for marketing campaigns, video games, and...

White House Announces 100-Day Cyber Sprint for Chemical Sector
From ACM News

White House Announces 100-Day Cyber Sprint for Chemical Sector

The 100-day grid cybersecurity sprint led to over 150 utilities deploying new technologies to improve cybersecurity defenses, according to a DOE press release. ...

New Method Exposes How Artificial Intelligence Works
From ACM News

New Method Exposes How Artificial Intelligence Works

The neural networks are harder to fool thanks to adversarial training.

Confirming Election Results with Risk-Limiting Audits
From ACM TechNews

Confirming Election Results with Risk-Limiting Audits

Rice University's Dan Wallach, working with Matthew Bernhard at nonprofit VotingWorks, found risk-limiting audits can be used to confirm election outcomes.

'A Joy for Him': Boy with Cerebral Palsy Can Walk, Play Using This Exoskeleton
From ACM TechNews

'A Joy for Him': Boy with Cerebral Palsy Can Walk, Play Using This Exoskeleton

Mexico's Association for People with Cerebral Palsy plans to use the Atlas 2030 pediatric exoskeleton to help at least 200 children with cerebral palsy.

Lost Something? Search 91.7 Million Files from the '80s, '90s, 2000s
From ACM TechNews

Lost Something? Search 91.7 Million Files from the '80s, '90s, 2000s

A new website allows users to sift through 91.7 million computer files from CD-ROM releases and floppy discs dating back to the 1980s.

The Impact of Virtual Meetings
From Communications of the ACM

The Impact of Virtual Meetings

Virtual meetings have mixed effects on employee productivity, creativity, and relationships.
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