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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From ACM TechNews

Open-Source Developers Set Out Software Road Map for 2020

A group of open source software advocates have published  a report that establishes a road map for the software industry through 2020. The report makes several...

From ACM TechNews

Cell Phones Linked to Track Real-Time Traffic

The Mobile Millennium trial, a real-time wireless traffic network for San Francisco, launched this month and will link together GSM-based cell phones equipped with...

It Salaries Take Tiny Leaps
From ACM TechNews

It Salaries Take Tiny Leaps

Salaries for information technology (IT) professionals have essentially stalled, reveals Computerworld's 22nd annual Salary Survey. The survey, based on responses...

The Limits of Computability
From Communications of the ACM

The Limits of Computability

Computational complexity and intractability may help scientists better understand how humans process information and make decisions.

Analyzing Online Social Networks
From Communications of the ACM

Analyzing Online Social Networks

Social network analysis explains why some sites succeed and others fail, how physical and online social networks differ and are alike, and attempts to predict how...

Damage Control
From Communications of the ACM

Damage Control

The U.S. patent system is overdue for reform, but what needs fixing, and how, is a matter of some dispute.

A European Perspective of VoIP in Market Competition
From Communications of the ACM

A European Perspective of VoIP in Market Competition

The debate on the future of VoIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) is not new. For some time now this technological innovation has been considered one of main drivers...

Education: Reprogramming College Preparatory Computer Science
From Communications of the ACM

Education: Reprogramming College Preparatory Computer Science

The college preparatory computer science education curriculum must be improved, beginning with the earliest phases of the process.

An Inspiring Legacy
From Communications of the ACM

An Inspiring Legacy

Admired and respected by his students and colleagues, Randy Pausch will be remembered as a devoted teacher and innovative researcher.

Green Computing
From Communications of the ACM

Green Computing

Are you ready for a personal energy meter?

Searching the Deep Web
From Communications of the ACM

Searching the Deep Web

While the Semantic Web may be a long time coming, Deep Web search strategies offer the promise of a semantic Web.

Clean Elections
From Communications of the ACM

Clean Elections

With end-to-end auditable voting, a voter can verify whether his or her vote was tallied correctly and whether all of the votes were properly tabulated.
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