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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From ACM TechNews

More Chip Cores Can Mean Slower Supercomputing, Sandia Simulation Shows

Simulations at Sandia National Laboratory have shown that increasing the number of processor cores on individual chips may actually worsen the performance of many...

The Long Road to 64 Bits
From Communications of the ACM

The Long Road to 64 Bits

The sometimes contentious development of 64-bit systems shows how technology decisions can have unexpected, enduring consequences.

Calculating the Future
From Communications of the ACM

Calculating the Future

Climate researchers have no shortage of scientific issues on which to expend computer power. The biggest problem is choosing which one to tackle first.

From ACM TechNews

Stimulus Could Boost It Job Prospects

The overall outlook for IT employment in 2009 is mixed, but some analysts say the U.S. federal economic stimulus package could add IT positions. Compared to jobs...

From ACM TechNews

Multicore Doesn't Mean Equal Core

Virginia Tech researchers recently found that the speed at which code is executed on multicore processors can vary by as much as 10 percent depending on how the...

From ACM TechNews

Sun, Consortium to Drive Tech Accessibility Project

Sun Microsystems is working with the European Commission-funded open Accessibility Everywhere: Groundwork, Infrastructure, Standards (AEGIS) Project to improve...

From ACM TechNews

The Fastest Computers Are Going Hybrid

A clearly recognizable trend at the recent SC08 conference in Austin, Texas, was a general shift in supercomputer design toward using multiple types of processors...

From ACM TechNews

Mobile Phones to Be Primary Internet Device By 2020, Experts Predict

Mobile phones will become the primary Internet device for most people by 2020, largely due to their increasing computing power, predicts the "Future of the Internet...

From ACM TechNews

The Next Big Sensation?

Computer scientists are developing machines that enable users to feel digital content. "The world is going digital, but people are analog," says Immersion Corp...

From ACM TechNews

HP, ASU U­nveil Paper-Like, Flexible Display

Hewlett-Packard (HP) and Arizona State University's Flexible Design Center have developed a prototype, paper-like, unbreakable, flexible computer display made almost...

From ACM TechNews

First Superconducting Transistor Promises Pc Revolution

Andrea Caviglia and colleagues at the University of Geneva in Switzerland have applied a voltage to a single crystal containing strontium titanate and lanthanum...

Living Machines
From Communications of the ACM

Living Machines

Researchers of molecular computing and communication are focusing on the type of breakthroughs needed to make the vision of ultrasmall, biocompatible computers....

From ACM TechNews

Speed Within Reach at Affordable Prices

Supercomputers have reached new power and performance benchmarks while also increasing their availability to businesses in the past year. In June, IBM's Roadrunner...

From ACM TechNews

10 Microsoft Research Projects

Microsoft is supporting a host of projects in its research and development division that are focused on tackling real-world technical challenges but could haveView...

From ACM TechNews

Six Ways to Build Robots That Do Humans No Harm

A new book by Yale University ethicist Wendell Wallach and Indiana University professor Colin Allen, titled "Moral Machines: Teaching Robots Right From Wrong,"...

From ACM TechNews

­U.S. Agency Sees Robots Replacing Humans in Service Jobs By 2025

The U.S. National Intelligence Council's (NIC's) report, "Global Trends 2025: A Transformed World," outlines the military, economic, and environmental challenges...

From ACM TechNews

Berkeley Lab Team Wins Special ACM Gordon Bell Prize For Algorithm Innovation

ACM's Gordon Bell Prize for special achievement in high performance computing has been won by a team of researchers from the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Lawrence...

From ACM TechNews

Multi-Core and Parallel Programming: Is the Sky Falling?

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign professor Marc Snir acknowledges that multicore parallelism is difficult, and this difficulty can give rise to divergent...

It Salaries Take Tiny Leaps
From ACM TechNews

It Salaries Take Tiny Leaps

Salaries for information technology (IT) professionals have essentially stalled, reveals Computerworld's 22nd annual Salary Survey. The survey, based on responses...

User-Centric Services Provisioning in Wireless Environments
From Communications of the ACM

User-Centric Services Provisioning in Wireless Environments

To date, services provided for mobile users are still hard to build. Two main challenges need to be considered. The first...
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