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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Solving for Why
From Communications of the ACM

Solving for Why

A focus on causality is promising to help researchers overcome shortcomings that have bedeviled more traditional approaches to artificial intelligence.

Virtual Duplicates
From Communications of the ACM

Virtual Duplicates

Digital twins aim to model reality so we can see how it changes.

Trouble at the Source
From Communications of the ACM

Trouble at the Source

Errors and biases in artificial intelligence systems often reflect the data used to train them.

What Is the Cost of Living Online?
From Communications of the ACM

What Is the Cost of Living Online?

The cost of powering streaming and other rapidly growing online services will not "take down the Internet."

Search Engines Often Return Inaccurate Health Info, Research Says
From ACM TechNews

Search Engines Often Return Inaccurate Health Info, Research Says

Researchers at Germany's Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg and Russia's Ural Federal University found search engines often return inaccurate health information...

AI Sheds Light on How the Brain Processes Language
From ACM TechNews

AI Sheds Light on How the Brain Processes Language

Research by neuroscientists suggests the latest predictive language models' underlying mechanism functions similarly to the human brain's language-processing centers...

Qubit Devices Inch Toward Reality
From Communications of the ACM

Qubit Devices Inch Toward Reality

Key questions and challenges remain, including how to scale qubit devices while reducing noise and errors to the point where the devices become useful.

Filtering for Beauty
From Communications of the ACM

Filtering for Beauty

Social media "influencers" use augmented reality filtering apps to appear more beautiful, together, and cool. Results may vary.

Google Quietly Tweaks Image Searches for Racially Diverse Results
From ACM News

Google Quietly Tweaks Image Searches for Racially Diverse Results

Effort is meant to avoid incidents that show algorithmic bias.

Search Engine Could Help Researchers Scour Internet for Privacy Documents
From ACM TechNews

Search Engine Could Help Researchers Scour Internet for Privacy Documents

Pennsylvania State University scientists have designed a search engine that uses artificial intelligence to sift through millions of online documents.  

How Internet Pioneer Vint Cerf Illuminated Google's Misinformation Mess
From ACM News

How Internet Pioneer Vint Cerf Illuminated Google's Misinformation Mess

In U.K. Parliament testimony, Google's chief Internet evangelist gave a frank explanation of why its systems can't always tell good information from bad.

Computer Scientists Create Search Systems to Limit COVID-19 Misinformation
From ACM TechNews

Computer Scientists Create Search Systems to Limit COVID-19 Misinformation

New system increases the correctness and reliability of health-related searches by 80%

38M Records Were Exposed Online—Including Contact-Tracing Info
From ACM News

38M Records Were Exposed Online—Including Contact-Tracing Info

Misconfigured Power Apps from Microsoft led to more than 1,000 Web apps accessible to anyone who found them.

Google Totally Changing How Ads Track People Around the Internet
From ACM News

Google Totally Changing How Ads Track People Around the Internet

The Internet giant is throwing tracking cookies in the dustbin, prompting big questions about privacy, competition, and advertising.

Google Seeks to Break Vicious Cycle of Online Slander
From ACM News

Google Seeks to Break Vicious Cycle of Online Slander

The search giant is changing its algorithm, part of a major shift in how Google polices harmful content.

Ohio Files Lawsuit to Declare Google a Public Utility
From ACM News

Ohio Files Lawsuit to Declare Google a Public Utility

The complaint alleges Google's "self-preferencing Results-page architecture" resulted in nearly two-thirds of Google searches in 2020 being completed without users...

Semantics Beats Syntax
From ACM News

Semantics Beats Syntax

IBM, Google, and Microsoft are all developing algorithms that understand the meaning of words.

The Worsening State of Ransomware
From Communications of the ACM

The Worsening State of Ransomware

Sophisticated, dangerous ransomware is the new normal … and there is no simple fix.

The Best of NLP
From Communications of the ACM

The Best of NLP

Natural language processing delves more deeply into its knowledge gap.

Hackers Exploit Websites to Give Them Excellent SEO Before Deploying Malware
From ACM TechNews

Hackers Exploit Websites to Give Them Excellent SEO Before Deploying Malware

Cybersecurity researchers have found hackers are using search engine optimization to push compromised websites higher up Google's rankings.
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