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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Curiosity Rover on Track For Early August Landing
From ACM News

Curiosity Rover on Track For Early August Landing

Eight days before reaching Mars, NASA's Mars Science Laboratory spacecraft performed a flight-path adjustment scheduled more than nine months ago.

Software: The New Networking Paradigm
From ACM News

Software: The New Networking Paradigm

VMware's planned acquisition of Nicra for $1.25 billion represents the evolution of networking beyond the hardware-dominated point of view that has sustained the...

Mapping the ­ncanny Valley
From ACM TechNews

Mapping the ­ncanny Valley

University of North Carolina researcher Kurt Gray and Harvard University researcher Daniel Wegner speculate that experience plays a crucial role in generating the...

Microsoft's Lost Decade
From ACM News

Microsoft's Lost Decade

To the saccharine rhythm of a Muzak clip, Steve Ballmer crouched into a tackling stance and dashed across a ballroom stage at the Venetian Las Vegas.

What a Win or Loss on Mars Will Mean
From ACM Opinion

What a Win or Loss on Mars Will Mean

Anyone who's looked at the "Seven Minutes of Terror" trailer for next month's Mars landing might have wondered whether the planners behind NASA's $2.5 billion Mars...

Scalable Device for Quantum Information Processing
From ACM TechNews

Scalable Device for Quantum Information Processing

National Physical Laboratory researchers have developed a monolithic 3D ion microtrap array that could be scaled up for use in quantum computing to run quantum...

Cosmic Simulations
From Communications of the ACM

Cosmic Simulations

With the help of supercomputers, scientists are now able to create models of large-scale astronomical events.

Obama Was Right: The Government Invented the Internet
From ACM Opinion

Obama Was Right: The Government Invented the Internet

Earlier this month, President Obama argued that wealthy business people owe some of their success to the government's investment in education and basic infrastructure...

Minister Stresses Iran's Ability to Confront All Spy Malwares
From ACM News

Minister Stresses Iran's Ability to Confront All Spy Malwares

Iran's Minister of Communication and Information Technology Reza Taqipour announced that Iran has successfully confronted sophisticated spy malwares and thwarted...

The Moore's Law Moon Shot
From ACM News

The Moore's Law Moon Shot

It is seemingly a fact of life that every new generation of computing gadget will be significantly more powerful than the one before, but a looming technical roadblock...

Toward Achieving 1 Million Times Increase in Computing Efficiency
From ACM TechNews

Toward Achieving 1 Million Times Increase in Computing Efficiency

Northwestern University researchers say they have developed a new logic circuit family based on magnetic semiconductor devices that could result in logic circuits...

Green500 Turns Blue
From ACM TechNews

Green500 Turns Blue

The 20 most energy efficient supercomputers the most recent Green500 rankings are all IBM Blue Gene/Q systems. Each of the top 20 systems delivered more than 2...

­.s. ­rged to Recruit Master Hackers to Wage Cyber War on Al-Qaida
From ACM News

­.s. ­rged to Recruit Master Hackers to Wage Cyber War on Al-Qaida

Instead of prosecuting elite computer hackers, the U.S. government should recruit them to launch cyber-attacks against Islamist terrorists and other foes, according...

Google Remakes Online Empire With 'Colossus'
From ACM News

Google Remakes Online Empire With 'Colossus'

More than a decade ago, Google built a new foundation for its search engine.

Simulated Space 'terror' Offers Nasa an Online Following
From ACM News

Simulated Space 'terror' Offers Nasa an Online Following

The video is called "Seven Minutes of Terror," and describes, with the suspense and cinematography of a movie preview, what will happen next month when a one-ton...

U.s. Spy Agencies Say Won't Read Americans' Email For Cybersecurity
From ACM News

U.s. Spy Agencies Say Won't Read Americans' Email For Cybersecurity

The head of the U.S. spy agency that eavesdrops on electronic communications overseas sought on Monday to reassure Americans that the National Security Agency would...

New Technology Slashes Data Center Energy Consumption
From ACM TechNews

New Technology Slashes Data Center Energy Consumption

A new energy-aware plug-in can reduce energy consumption in data centers by more than 20 percent, according to researchers with the European Union-funded FIT4Green...

New Technologies Spread Arrival of Robots Into Our Lives
From ACM TechNews

New Technologies Spread Arrival of Robots Into Our Lives

Robotics experts predict that within 10 years general-purpose robots will perform household chores while consumers are at work.  

Mars Panorama: Next Best Thing to Being There
From ACM News

Mars Panorama: Next Best Thing to Being There

From fresh rover tracks to an impact crater blasted billions of years ago, a newly completed view from the panoramic camera (Pancam) on NASA's Mars Exploration...

Computing Grid Built For Physics Benefits a Wide Range of Science
From ACM TechNews

Computing Grid Built For Physics Benefits a Wide Range of Science

The University of California, San Diego houses the Open Science Grid, a network that connects processors and data storage owned by an alliance of universities and...
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