From Communications of the ACM
Digital innovation is not working in the interest of the whole of society. It is time to radically rethink its purpose without…
Filippo Gualtiero Blancato| March 1, 2024
You may not realise it, but every time you open up your laptop or switch on your phone, you are at the heart of one of the greatest battles now taking place in...BBC News From ACM Opinion | September 3, 2014
Just as Islamic State (IS) has swept across Iraq, so too has it swarmed over social media—using the platform with a sophistication never before witnessed in this...BBC News From ACM Opinion | August 21, 2014
The European Courts of Justice ruled on Tuesday that an individual could demand that "irrelevant or outdated" information be deleted from results.BBC News From ACM Opinion | May 14, 2014
Whistleblower Edward Snowden's revelations have revealed that a huge capability resides within America's National Security Agency to collect and analyse communications...BBC News From ACM Opinion | February 6, 2014
Once upon a time seeing your life flash before your eyes was something people did their best to avoid. The arrival of Google Glass seems to have changed that.BBC News From ACM Opinion | August 12, 2013
Why do most smartphones make a clicking noise, like a camera shutter closing, when you take a picture with them? Why do the virtual pages of a book on a tablet...BBC News From ACM Opinion | May 9, 2013
For a man that made his career out of helping millions of people find their way around, Lars Rasmussen is frank about his own navigational shortcomings.BBC News From ACM Opinion | March 8, 2013
A few weeks ago I was standing by a railway track in the small town of Gaithersburg in Maryland as a CSX freight train blasted through the level crossing; its horn...BBC News From ACM Opinion | March 6, 2013