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Qwerty Keyboards: Time For a Rethink?
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Qwerty Keyboards: Time For a Rethink?

Q-W-E-R-T-Y. Six letters that define so much of our waking lives.

Lars Rasmussen: The Brains Behind Facebook's Future
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Lars Rasmussen: The Brains Behind Facebook's Future

For a man that made his career out of helping millions of people find their way around, Lars Rasmussen is frank about his own navigational shortcomings.

Are We Really Facing Cyberwar?
From ACM Opinion

Are We Really Facing Cyberwar?

A few weeks ago I was standing by a railway track in the small town of Gaithersburg in Maryland as a CSX freight train blasted through the level crossing; its horn...

Becoming Biohackers: Learning the Game
From ACM Careers

Becoming Biohackers: Learning the Game

When you have lunch courtesy of the FBI, you are offered chicken Caesar salad, hamburger, or fish.

The Small Business of 2063
From ACM Opinion

The Small Business of 2063

Our world is changing faster than ever and, in recent years, a number of transformative technologies have moved from science fiction and the research and development...

How Hackers Exploit 'the Seven Deadly Sins'
From ACM Opinion

How Hackers Exploit 'the Seven Deadly Sins'

This isn't the high tech wizardry of Hollywood but is a good, old-fashioned confidence trick.

The Psychology of Tetris
From ACM Opinion

The Psychology of Tetris

Shapes fall from the sky, all you have to do is to control how they fall and fit within each other.

Lenovo's Quest to Be Cool
From ACM Careers

Lenovo's Quest to Be Cool

China's Lenovo is on a roll. It has just been named the world's number one PC seller, and it has rapidly won the number two spot in mobile phones in its home market...

James Bond Fails the Tech Test in Skyfall
From ACM Opinion

James Bond Fails the Tech Test in Skyfall

As a self-confessed technology geek, there have been numerous occasions when my enjoyment of a movie has been marred by technological impossibilities.

Can Schools Survive in the Age of the Web?
From ACM Opinion

Can Schools Survive in the Age of the Web?

If you fancy a top-class education but can't afford the fee or the time, there is now an alternative.

I Meet Tumblr Whizz-Kid David Karp
From ACM Opinion

I Meet Tumblr Whizz-Kid David Karp

There's a joke running around about social media: Facebook is how you want people to see you, Twitter is how you see yourself; Tumblr is—"Hey look! Funny cat picture...

Stuxnet Shifts the Cyber Arms Race ­p a Gear
From ACM Opinion

Stuxnet Shifts the Cyber Arms Race ­p a Gear

Over the last 25 years we've seen a massive change in how we think about information.

'barcode Everyone at Birth'
From ACM Opinion

'barcode Everyone at Birth'

If I were empress of the Universe I would insist on every individual having a unique ID permanently attached—a barcode if you will—an implanted chip to provide...

The World's Five Biggest Cyber Threats
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The World's Five Biggest Cyber Threats

Criminals do not stop at stealing someone's personal data.

Pinterest: Hot New Network or Another Quora?
From ACM Opinion

Pinterest: Hot New Network or Another Quora?

After a decade of struggle, the social networking battlefield has quietened down. Facebook is the undisputed champion, while Twitter serves for instant news and...

From ACM Opinion

The Internet Is Broken; We Need to Start Over

Last year, the level and ferocity of cyberattacks on the Internet reached such a horrendous level that some are now thinking the unthinkable: let the Internet wither...

From ACM Opinion

AI Will Change Our Relationship With Tech

In 1984, Canadian movie director James Cameron imagined a world in which computers achieved self-awareness and set about systematically destroying humankind. ...

Technology and Business in 2012
From ACM Opinion

Technology and Business in 2012

Although those of us following the Mayan long calendar may be heading into 2012 with some trepidation, for those taking a longer-term view here is our annual...

Wikipedia Founder Jimmy Wales on the Internet's Future
From ACM News

Wikipedia Founder Jimmy Wales on the Internet's Future

Censorship is the biggest threat to the development of the Internet, according to Wikipedia's founder Jimmy Wales.

IBM Bets on Data-Centric Computing
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IBM Bets on Data-Centric Computing

Jai Menon, chief technology officer and vice-president for technical strategy for IBM's Systems and Technology Group, holds 52 patents and is arguably most famous...
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