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Facebook's Top AI Scientist Says It's 'Dust' Without Artificial Intelligence
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Facebook's Top AI Scientist Says It's 'Dust' Without Artificial Intelligence

Without artificial intelligence there wouldn't be much left of Facebook as we know it today.

It's Not Just Facebook. Thousands of Companies Are Spying on You 
From ACM Opinion

It's Not Just Facebook. Thousands of Companies Are Spying on You 

In the wake of the Cambridge Analytica scandal, news articles and commentators have focused on what Facebook knows about us. A lot, it turns out.

Sue Over Fake News? Not So Fast
From ACM Opinion

Sue Over Fake News? Not So Fast

The latest controversy involving so-called fake news has left many wondering why websites that publish patently false statements on the Internet have not been prosecuted...

Trump's Populism Is Only the Beginning. Here Come the Robots. 
From ACM Opinion

Trump's Populism Is Only the Beginning. Here Come the Robots. 

Donald Trump's win is a wake-up call that voters are angry with a system that's made middle-class jobs tougher to come by, and increased inequality.

China's Xiaomi's Is Changing the ­.s. Too
From ACM Opinion

China's Xiaomi's Is Changing the ­.s. Too

Xiaomi is the most important phone manufacturer you've never heard of.

From Windows to the Xbox: Bill Gates' 'pioneering' Impact
From ACM Opinion

From Windows to the Xbox: Bill Gates' 'pioneering' Impact

To ask what impact Bill Gates has had on computing is, in a way, too small a question.

17 of Apple's Favorite Apps
From ACM Opinion

17 of Apple's Favorite Apps

Steve Jobs was a stickler for detail, requiring final approval on everything from ads to wording on his Keynote presentations. It's no surprise then that the company...

How Secure Is the Papal Election?
From ACM News

How Secure Is the Papal Election?

As the College of Cardinals prepares to elect a new pope, security people like me wonder about the process. How does it work, and just how hard would it be to hack...

How Samsung Is Out-Innovating Apple
From ACM Opinion

How Samsung Is Out-Innovating Apple

There's no arguing that Apple set the standard for modern mobile devices with the iPhone and the iPad. It didn't take long after those two products launched for...

Why Everybody Wants a Slice of Raspberry Pi
From ACM Opinion

Why Everybody Wants a Slice of Raspberry Pi

In a world where computers are increasingly powerful and are concealed within ever more glossy slabs of aluminum, the Raspberry Pi offers surprising proof for the...

Why We Must Fight For the Internet's Freedom
From ACM Opinion

Why We Must Fight For the Internet's Freedom

The Internet empowers each one of us to speak, create, learn, and share.

How Steve Jobs' Legacy Has Changed
From ACM Opinion

How Steve Jobs' Legacy Has Changed

When Apple co-founder Steve Jobs succumbed to cancer in his California home a year ago today, the world rushed to eulogize him in glowing terms: Genius. Visionary...

Why Faces Matter to Facebook
From ACM Opinion

Why Faces Matter to Facebook

Facebook really wants to know what you look like.

Google Knows Too Much About You
From ACM Opinion

Google Knows Too Much About You

If you use Google, and I know you do, you may have noticed a little banner popping up at the top of the page announcing: "We're changing our privacy policy and...

Why Your Next Phone Might Be Bendable
From ACM Opinion

Why Your Next Phone Might Be Bendable

As we enter the final months of 2011, the thoughts of tech watchers like me are turning to what we can expect in 2012. Voice recognition in all our devices? Touch...

From ACM Opinion

Ftc 'do Not Track' Plan Would Be a Google Killer

The Federal Trade Commission proposed this week that consumers should have a "do not track" option for the Internet, similar to the "do not call" list that exists...

­.s. Enables Chinese Hacking of Google
From ACM Opinion

­.s. Enables Chinese Hacking of Google

Google made headlines when it went public with the fact that Chinese hackers had penetrated some of its services, such as Gmail, in a politically motivated attempt...
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