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How Martin Odersky Rewrote the Rules of Coding For a Mobile World
From ACM Opinion

How Martin Odersky Rewrote the Rules of Coding For a Mobile World

Next time you pull out your smartphone to use a popular application—whether it's to price check items in a store, to tweet or to check your cloud-based calendar—you...

What Tumblr Can Tell ­S About the Future of Media
From ACM Opinion

What Tumblr Can Tell ­S About the Future of Media

If there was any doubt left that Tumblr is trying to become more of a mainstream media entity, albeit with its own odd twist, it was removed recently when the service...

Digital First Isn't an Option for Media—It's the Only Way Forward
From ACM Opinion

Digital First Isn't an Option for Media—It's the Only Way Forward

Everywhere you look in the traditional media industry, you can see signs of turmoil and disruption: to take just a few recent examples, the New York Times is ...

How Can We Make Devices Better? By Studying What People Actually Do
From ACM Opinion

How Can We Make Devices Better? By Studying What People Actually Do

Many new technologies are based on what companies and designers seem to think their users might want to do, or what they envision them wanting to do, but not as...

5 Ideas to Help Everyone Make the Most of Big Data
From ACM Opinion

5 Ideas to Help Everyone Make the Most of Big Data

Big data is going mainstream, but there are still plenty of lessons to be learned from Silicon Valley data scientists whose businesses depend on data to survive...

Should Google Be Censoring Videos Just Because They Are Linked to Violence?
From ACM Opinion

Should Google Be Censoring Videos Just Because They Are Linked to Violence?

After violent attacks on Americans in both Egypt and Libya—including an attack in Libya on Tuesday that killed the American ambassador to that country—Google said...

One Year In: What We've Learned About Ceo Tim Cook
From ACM Opinion

One Year In: What We've Learned About Ceo Tim Cook

When Tim Cook was named permanent chief executive of Apple a year ago Friday, most discussion centered on what Jobsian qualities and trademark values Cook didn't...

Plagiarism, Defamation, and the Power of Hyperlinks
From ACM Opinion

Plagiarism, Defamation, and the Power of Hyperlinks

What do Fareed Zakaria, Jonah Lehrer, and Gawker Media have in common? In different ways, the incidents that have thrust all three into the news recently help to...

Five Things I've Learned from 20 Years of Email
From ACM Opinion

Five Things I've Learned from 20 Years of Email

It's been 20 years since I got my first-ever email address. Back then, I read email with a 2,400 bps modem. Today, emails reach me instantaneously on my phone whereever...

There's Only One Truly Open Platform: The Web
From ACM Opinion

There's Only One Truly Open Platform: The Web

As Twitter and Facebook continue to fight a variety of skirmishes in the ongoing "platform wars," with both companies trying to control as much of their networks...

How Will Apple Restore Icloud Trust?
From ACM Opinion

How Will Apple Restore Icloud Trust?

After being on the receiving end of a truly awful hacking attack, Wired writer Mat Honan explained how it happened in detail. And he was very clear about two of...

Here's Why Tablets (yes, Tablets!) Will Replace the Smartphone
From ACM Opinion

Here's Why Tablets (yes, Tablets!) Will Replace the Smartphone

I'm sure to get the "you're off your rocker" commentary on this one, but I make a living by looking ahead in the world of mobile technology. And what I see now...

We Already ­se Wi-Fi More Than Cellular; Why Not Continue the Trend?
From ACM Opinion

We Already ­se Wi-Fi More Than Cellular; Why Not Continue the Trend?

We think of our mobile phones as connecting to mobile networks, but that’s really not the case. When it comes to mobile data, our smartphones are far more reliant...

5 Questions with the Creator of the First Ipad-Made Ios Game
From ACM Careers

5 Questions with the Creator of the First Ipad-Made Ios Game

Rui Viana isn't a full-time app developer and he hasn't learned how to use Apple's iOS software development kit.

Is This Data Scientist a Consumer's Best Friend?
From ACM Opinion

Is This Data Scientist a Consumer's Best Friend?

In Oren Etzioni's world, telling you where to buy a product is so 20 years ago.

Physical Media Is Dead
From ACM Opinion

Physical Media Is Dead

Over the weekend, Hunter Walk (a friend of mine who works for YouTube) tweeted about brands offering apps built on the Spotify platform. Spotify is likely to ...

The Personalized Web Is Just an Interest Graph Away
From ACM Opinion

The Personalized Web Is Just an Interest Graph Away

You know how our social graphs are creeping into every aspect of our Web lives, from search results to coupons? Well, get ready for something a lot more personal...

From ACM Opinion

The Rise of the New Information Gatekeepers

The promise of the Internet age is one of unparalleled access to information of all kinds, but it has also seen the rise of some powerful gatekeepers that control...

Misconceptions in Ai: Or Why Watson Can't Talk to Siri
From ACM Opinion

Misconceptions in Ai: Or Why Watson Can't Talk to Siri

On Tuesday night, I was schooled by Watson on playing Jeopardy in an exhibition match at the Computer History Museum. I discovered that despite our fear of the...

From ACM Opinion

A Google Monopoly Isn't the Point

Even if the Justice Dept. were to establish that Google is a monopoly, it would be hard for anyone to prove that the company's free services have injured consumers...
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