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Trump's Wiretap Rant Betrays Ignorance of the Law
From ACM Opinion

Trump's Wiretap Rant Betrays Ignorance of the Law

President Donald Trump set the political and national security community on fire Saturday morning, starting the day with a four-part Twitter rant alleging that...

Russian Hacking Crisis Tests Obama's Nerve
From ACM Opinion

Russian Hacking Crisis Tests Obama's Nerve

President Barack Obama came under immediate pressure Friday night to punish Russia for hacking into US political institutions—with calls to rally European allies...

Paperless Voting Could Fuel 'rigged' Election Claims
From ACM Opinion

Paperless Voting Could Fuel 'rigged' Election Claims

Voters in four competitive states will cast ballots in November on electronic machines that leave no paper trail—a lapse that threatens to sow distrust about a...

The Reality of Cyberwar
From ACM Opinion

The Reality of Cyberwar

When a series of technical glitches hit companies that ranged from United to the New York Stock Exchange this week, suspicions immediately ran to a cyber attack...

The Second Job You Don’t Know You Have
From ACM Opinion

The Second Job You Don’t Know You Have

Technology has knocked the bottom rung out of the employment ladder, which has sent youth unemployment around the globe skyrocketing and presented us with a serious...

Next Battle in the War on Science
From ACM Opinion

Next Battle in the War on Science

The war over science is heating up on Capitol Hill.

Why the Surveillance State Lives On
From ACM Opinion

Why the Surveillance State Lives On

Once upon a time, Glenn Greenwald was a lonely voice in the blogging wilderness, and Edward Snowden was an isolated functionary at the heart of the American national...

Turn Detroit Into Drone Valley
From ACM Opinion

Turn Detroit Into Drone Valley

The popular recipe for creating the "next" Silicon Valley goes something like this:

Big Tech Walking Fine Line on Data
From ACM Opinion

Big Tech Walking Fine Line on Data

A year after Edward Snowden shocked citizens with details of how much of their lives are being snapped up by the National Security Agency, tech giants have sounded...

Who Watches the Watchers? Big Data Goes ­nchecked
From ACM Opinion

Who Watches the Watchers? Big Data Goes ­nchecked

The National Security Agency might be tracking your phone calls. But private industry is prying far more deeply into your life.

Scientists Must Spearhead Ethical ­se of Big Data
From ACM Opinion

Scientists Must Spearhead Ethical ­se of Big Data

The recent revelation that the National Security Agency collects the personal data of United States citizens, allies and enemies alike has broken the traditional...

Edward Snowden's Nightmare Comes True
From ACM Opinion

Edward Snowden's Nightmare Comes True

Snowden's worst fear, by his own account, was that "nothing will change."

Cyber Education Key to Security
From ACM Opinion

Cyber Education Key to Security

Today, cyberspace is woven into the fabric of our daily lives.

­.n. Efforts Put Internet Freedom at Risk
From ACM Opinion

­.n. Efforts Put Internet Freedom at Risk

A mounting effort to transform a United Nations agency into a global Internet regulator is threatening to undo decades of policymaking that helped the Internet...

The Coming Drone Arms Race
From ACM Opinion

The Coming Drone Arms Race

Another terrorist overseas dies in a U.S. armed drone strike. This far from uncommon occurrence is an impressive reminder of the U.S. drone program’s remarkable...

From ACM Opinion

How to Tackle Cybersecurity

There is a right way and a wrong way to address cybersecurity.

From ACM Opinion

Post-9/11, Nsa 'enemies' Include ­s

Somewhere between Sept. 11 and today, the enemy morphed from a handful of terrorists to the American population at large, leaving us nowhere to run and no place...

Al Franken: 'they're Coming After the Internet'
From ACM Opinion

Al Franken: 'they're Coming After the Internet'

Sen. Al Franken claimed Monday that big corporations are "hoping to destroy" the Internet and issued a call to arms to several hundred tech-savvy South by Southwest...
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