From Communications of the ACM
Digital innovation is not working in the interest of the whole of society. It is time to radically rethink its purpose without…
Filippo Gualtiero Blancato| March 1, 2024
Soon after Maryanne Wolf published "Proust and the Squid," a history of the science and the development of the reading brain from antiquity to the twenty-first...The New Yorker From ACM Opinion | July 18, 2014
On May 28th, Lisa Marie Roberts, of Portland, Oregon, was released from prison after serving nine and a half years for a murder she didn't commit.The New Yorker From ACM Opinion | June 30, 2014
Over the weekend, the news broke that a "supercomputer" program called "Eugene Goostman"—an impersonation of a wisecracking, thirteen-year-old Ukranian boy—had...The New Yorker From ACM Opinion | June 10, 2014
Last month, Attorney General Eric Holder announced that the United States was charging members of the Chinese military with economic espionage.The New Yorker From ACM Opinion | June 5, 2014
Since Edward Snowden's revelations about government surveillence, we know more about how the National Security Agency has been interpreting Section 215 of the Patriot...The New Yorker From ACM Opinion | May 16, 2014
On October 29, 2012, when Hurricane Sandy made landfall, I was in my Brooklyn apartment, refreshing Twitter.The New Yorker From ACM Opinion | May 6, 2014
In the mid-nineteen-sixties, Brezhnev's Soviet Union introduced a law aimed at stifling ideological dissent.The New Yorker From ACM Opinion | April 28, 2014
In 2007, at a public forum at Coe College, in Iowa, Presidential candidate Barack Obama was asked about net neutrality.The New Yorker From ACM Opinion | April 25, 2014
On Thursday, astronomers announced that they'd reached a new milestone in the search for Earth's "twin," or a planet much like ours that orbits in what's known...The New Yorker From ACM News | April 21, 2014
The cryptography expert Bruce Schneier, who has been writing about computer security for more than fifteen years, is not given to panic or hyperbole.The New Yorker From ACM Opinion | April 10, 2014
Tragedy, when its cause and the fate of its victims are still unknown, is supposed to occasion solidarity.The New Yorker From ACM Opinion | March 21, 2014
For more than a year now, tens of millions of Americans have found time each day to devote themselves to an essential task: swiping at their phones and tablets...The New Yorker From ACM Opinion | March 10, 2014
Last September, the Times reported that Voyager 1, the hardy spacecraft launched in 1977, had exited the solar system and entered the interstellar void.The New Yorker From ACM Opinion | February 24, 2014
Earlier this month, Ken Ham, the founder of the Creation Museum, in Petersburg, Kentucky, held a debate with Bill Nye at the museum.The New Yorker From ACM Opinion | February 20, 2014
It was a mild October day in Hollywood, but a trace of artificial snow remained on the ground as Neil deGrasse Tyson, the director of the Hayden Planetarium, at...The New Yorker From ACM Opinion | February 19, 2014
In January of 1903, the small Boston magazine Handicraft ran an essay by the Harvard professor Denman W. Ross, who argued that the American Arts and Crafts movement...The New Yorker From ACM Opinion | January 7, 2014