From Communications of the ACM
Digital innovation is not working in the interest of the whole of society. It is time to radically rethink its purpose without…
Filippo Gualtiero Blancato| March 1, 2024
It's official: The United States is home to the world's fastest supercomputer. But what exactly are supercomputers and why should we care about them? I decidedLawrence...Time From ACM Opinion | June 22, 2012
If you're an experienced computer user, you probably remember explaining to newbies how a desktop computer worked: Your photos should go in this folder; your documents...The New York Times From ACM Opinion | June 15, 2012
That little iPhone in your pocket is perfectly positioned to become a clone of the credit cards in your wallet or purse.The New York Times From ACM News | June 12, 2012
Another day, another senior al-Qaeda leader killed by a drone strike. (I can't be the first to point out that being al-Qaeda's No. 2 is like being the drummer for...Time From ACM Opinion | June 9, 2012
In December 2010, after we had reverse engineered the Stuxnet virus, I argued that the attackers must have known they would open Pandora's box. Others suggested...The New York Times From ACM Opinion | June 6, 2012
We live in a technological universe in which we are always communicating. And yet we have sacrificed conversation for mere connection.The New York Times From ACM Opinion | May 4, 2012
Every night, I get home from work, drop onto the couch and sit there surfing the Web or watching videos on my 3 1/2-inch iPhone screen. My big-screen HDTV sits...The New York Times From ACM Opinion | March 13, 2012
Apple's iPhones and iPads get most of the attention, but Apple is now directing the spotlight on the Mac.The New York Times From ACM Opinion | February 17, 2012
"Why do we have to aim for the world's No. 1 — what's wrong with being the world's No. 2?" That short question about Japan's vaunted K supercomputer program has...The Japan Times From ACM Opinion | February 13, 2012
New technologies will be the key to dealing with the coming flood of digital data, says HP Labs director Prith Banerjee. EE Times From ACM TechNews | February 7, 2012
Goodbye 2011, you tumultuous, fickle, lovely year—hello 2012, another 365-day stretch full of promises, disappointments, and with a little luck, a few pleasant...Time From ACM Opinion | December 28, 2011
Next week, in a case closely watched both by analysts and retailers, the International Trade Commission will decide whether the handset maker HTC should be allowed...The New York Times From ACM Opinion | December 15, 2011
There were no GPS tracking devices when the framers wrote the Fourth Amendment’s prohibition against unreasonable searches. But that does not mean this sometimes...The New York Times From ACM Opinion | November 8, 2011
One of the questions I wrestled with when writing about Steve Jobs was how smart he was. On the surface, this should not have been much of an issue.The New York Times From ACM Opinion | October 31, 2011
Aakash, the world's cheapest tablet computer, has the potential of being a game-changer that empowers India's poor. But its introduction raises important questions...The Times of India From ACM Opinion | October 11, 2011
The Supreme Court ended its term with a high-profile ruling that violent video games are protected by the First Amendment, but a bigger technology decision could...Time From ACM News | July 11, 2011
Research In Motion (RIM), makers of the venerable BlackBerry devices, will always be remembered as the company that liberated corporate email from the PC. In...Time From ACM Opinion | July 8, 2011
Jaron Lanier, a partner architect at Microsoft Research, has had a long and varied career in technology. Mr. Lanier popularized the term "virtual reality" in...The New York Times From ACM Opinion | May 23, 2011