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The Weird Reasons Why People Make ­p False Identities on the Internet
From ACM Opinion

The Weird Reasons Why People Make ­p False Identities on the Internet

Sockpuppetry—using false identities for deception—is centuries old, but the advent of the web has made creating sockpuppets, and falling for their tricks, easier...

When Robots Come For Our Jobs, Will We Be Ready to Outsmart Them?
From ACM Opinion

When Robots Come For Our Jobs, Will We Be Ready to Outsmart Them?

Non-human employees are filling positions in all sorts of workplaces, and they are proving themselves to be fast, accurate, and reliable—more so than their human...

The Fasinatng … Frustrating … Fascinating History of Autocorrect
From ACM Opinion

The Fasinatng … Frustrating … Fascinating History of Autocorrect

Invoke the word autocorrect and most people will think immediately of its hiccups—the sort of hysterical, impossible errors one finds collected on sites like Damn...

The Moral Hazards and Legal Conundrums of Our Robot-Filled Future
From ACM Opinion

The Moral Hazards and Legal Conundrums of Our Robot-Filled Future

The robots are coming, and they're getting smarter.

The Oculus Rift Game That's So Real It Nearly Destroyed Me
From ACM Opinion

The Oculus Rift Game That's So Real It Nearly Destroyed Me

I can hear the alien breathing.

The Troubling Truth of Why It's Still So Hard to Share Files Directly
From ACM Opinion

The Troubling Truth of Why It's Still So Hard to Share Files Directly

It's not always easy to spot the compromises in the technology we use, where we've allowed corporate interests to trump public ideals like privacy and press freedom...

The Nightmare on Connected Home Street
From ACM Opinion

The Nightmare on Connected Home Street

I wake up at four to some old-timey dubstep spewing from my pillows.

That Computer Actually Got an F on the Turing Test
From ACM Opinion

That Computer Actually Got an F on the Turing Test

Over the weekend, a group of programmers claimed they built a program that passed the famous Turing Test, in which a computer tries to trick judges into believing...

How the Nsa Could Bug Your Powered-Off Phone, and How to Stop Them
From ACM Opinion

How the Nsa Could Bug Your Powered-Off Phone, and How to Stop Them

Just because you turned off your phone doesn't mean the NSA isn't using it to spy on you.

How Google Built Its 3-D Interactive Rubik's Cube Doodle
From ACM News

How Google Built Its 3-D Interactive Rubik's Cube Doodle

Today Google launched one of its coolest doodles yet: a 3-D interactive Rubik's Cube.

Our Smartphones Are Making Live Tv Better Than Ever
From ACM Opinion

Our Smartphones Are Making Live Tv Better Than Ever

The history of the Internet is one of lonely ­people trying to find one another.

Glenn Greenwald's Pulse-Pounding Tale of Breaking the Snowden Leaks
From ACM Opinion

Glenn Greenwald's Pulse-Pounding Tale of Breaking the Snowden Leaks

In June 2013, Edward Snowden was sitting in his room at the Mira hotel in Hong Kong, watching the world react to the first of his explosive leaks about the NSA's...

Mark Zuckerberg on Facebook's Future, From Virtual Reality to Anonymity
From ACM Opinion

Mark Zuckerberg on Facebook's Future, From Virtual Reality to Anonymity

No one ever accused Mark Zuckerberg of standing pat.

Michael Lewis on Exposing Wall Street's Biggest High-Tech Swindle
From ACM Opinion

Michael Lewis on Exposing Wall Street's Biggest High-Tech Swindle

Flash Boys explores the world of high-frequency trading, a scheme in which traders use ultra-fast network connections to sniff out the intentions of other, slower...

It's Time to Encrypt the Entire Internet
From ACM Opinion

It's Time to Encrypt the Entire Internet

The Heartbleed bug crushed our faith in the secure Web, but a world without the encryption software that Heartbleed exploited would be even worse.

900 Years of Tree Diagrams, the Most Important Data Viz Tool in History
From ACM Opinion

900 Years of Tree Diagrams, the Most Important Data Viz Tool in History

You'd be excused for thinking infographics are a modern invention.

10 Years On, Gmail Has Transformed the Web as We Know It
From ACM Opinion

10 Years On, Gmail Has Transformed the Web as We Know It

Google loves to unveil a good gag product on April Fool's Day.

Why You Should Embrace Surveillance, Not Fight It
From ACM Opinion

Why You Should Embrace Surveillance, Not Fight It

I once worked with Steven Spielberg on the development of Minority Report, derived from the short story by Philip K. Dick featuring a future society that uses surveillance...

At Sxsw, the Next Big Thing May Be No Thing at All
From ACM Opinion

At Sxsw, the Next Big Thing May Be No Thing at All

Every year, just before South by Southwest Interactive starts, the froth starts churning. Everybody begins wondering what this year’s breakout hit app will be.

Why Copyrighted Coffee May Cripple the Internet of Things
From ACM Opinion

Why Copyrighted Coffee May Cripple the Internet of Things

With its single-serving coffee pods, Green Mountain Coffee has transformed the business of brew.
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