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Timing Is Everything For the Games' Chief Timer
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Timing Is Everything For the Games' Chief Timer

Timing is everything for Peter Hürzeler, a man for whom "good enough" simply isn't.

Xerox: ­h, We Didn't Invent the Internet
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Xerox: ­h, We Didn't Invent the Internet

Who invented the Internet?

How to Fly the ­.s.'s Trillion-Dollar Stealth Fighter Jet
From ACM Opinion

How to Fly the ­.s.'s Trillion-Dollar Stealth Fighter Jet

The first rule of flying the world's most advanced fighter jet: Do not push the red button until you absolutely mean to.

Google Glass Team: 'wearable Computing Will Be the Norm'
From ACM Opinion

Google Glass Team: 'wearable Computing Will Be the Norm'

Even though I followed Google's I/O Conference from across the country, the event made it obvious that a company created with a strict focus on search has become...

Why Antivirus Companies Like Mine Failed to Catch Flame and Stuxnet
From ACM Opinion

Why Antivirus Companies Like Mine Failed to Catch Flame and Stuxnet

A couple of days ago, I received an e-mail from Iran. It was sent by an analyst from the Iranian Computer Emergency Response Team, and it was informing me about...

Craig Venter Wants to Solve the World's Energy Crisis
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Craig Venter Wants to Solve the World's Energy Crisis

There is one version of Craig Venter's life story where he would’ve been a dutiful scientist at the National Institutes of Health, a respected yet anonymous researcher...

Google's Sebastian Thrun: 3 Visions in the 'age of Disruption'
From ACM Opinion

Google's Sebastian Thrun: 3 Visions in the 'age of Disruption'

Today we drive cars, shell out enormous sums for higher education, and navigate the world with electronics that demand the unwavering attention of our ears, eyes...

Nah, Iran Probably Didn't Hack Cia's Stealth Drone
From ACM Opinion

Nah, Iran Probably Didn't Hack Cia's Stealth Drone

Four months after capturing a crashed U.S. stealth drone near the Iran-Afghanistan border, Tehran claims it has hacked into the ‘bot’s classified mission-control...

Living on a Stream: The Rise of Real-Time Video
From ACM Opinion

Living on a Stream: The Rise of Real-Time Video

A couple of weeks ago, I was talking to a friend about streaming. I was marveling how easy it’s becoming to beam a live video feed, anywhere, not only to a friend...

Apps For Ipad 3: What Apple Should Demo at the Grand ­nveiling
From ACM Opinion

Apps For Ipad 3: What Apple Should Demo at the Grand ­nveiling

All indicators suggest Apple will unveil the iPad 3 during the first week of March. That’s less than a month away, and sources at The Next Web say Apple is in "crunch...

Five Reasons The Robo-Car Haters Are Wrong
From ACM Opinion

Five Reasons The Robo-Car Haters Are Wrong

The self-driving cars we’ve been promised since the dawn of the auto age are here.

Api: Three Letters That Change Life, the ­niverse, and Even Detroit
From ACM News

Api: Three Letters That Change Life, the ­niverse, and Even Detroit

Sam Ramji met AT&T chief technology officer John Donovan on a speed date—or at least the tech world equivalent of a speed date.

From ACM News

Google's Data Center Engineer Shares Secrets of 'warehouse' Computing

 Luiz André Barroso doesn't see Google's data centers as data centers. He sees them as computers the size of warehouses.

Why Windows Phones Are the Most Exciting Handsets at CES
From ACM Opinion

Why Windows Phones Are the Most Exciting Handsets at CES

There's a curious thing happening in the smartphone space at this year's CES.

iPhone Celebrates 5th Birthday
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iPhone Celebrates 5th Birthday

Gadget fans may be focused on the CES trade show this week, but there’s something else notable going on today: It’s the iPhone’s fifth birthday.

Why Windows 8 Tablets Will Surprise Everyone
From ACM Opinion

Why Windows 8 Tablets Will Surprise Everyone

Windows-based tablets haven't been treated kindly by the test of time. Those released in the Windows XP era relied on wonky, stylus-based data entry, and even...

From ACM Opinion

5 Wishes For the Next Generation of Consoles

So what do Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo have in store for us with the next generation of consoles? When will we see the Xbox 720, the PS4, and the Wii-2, and...

Ice Cream Sandwich: A Deep-Dive Tour With Android
From ACM Opinion

Ice Cream Sandwich: A Deep-Dive Tour With Android

There are few things in this world I despise more than software updates. Downloading hundreds of files, waiting for the progress bar to fill, restarting the device—it’s...

From ACM Opinion

Gov. Brown: Sign Bill Outlawing Warrantless Smartphone Searches

There’s a bill sitting on the desk of California Governor Jerry Brown, which if signed would ban police from searching the mobile devices of people arrested for...

From ACM News


Reading my RSS and Twitter feeds Tuesday night, I turned to a tech writer friend and said, "the Wintel Era just ended, and half of these people are fighting over...
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