From Communications of the ACM
Digital innovation is not working in the interest of the whole of society. It is time to radically rethink its purpose without…
Filippo Gualtiero Blancato| March 1, 2024
Sam Ramji met AT&T chief technology officer John Donovan on a speed date—or at least the tech world equivalent of a speed date.Wired From ACM News | February 7, 2012
By most measures, the Android platform is an enormous success. It dominates the smartphone space in terms of market share, with over a quarter of a billion currently...Wired From ACM Opinion | January 23, 2012
Luiz André Barroso doesn't see Google's data centers as data centers. He sees them as computers the size of warehouses.Wired From ACM News | January 13, 2012
Gadget fans may be focused on the CES trade show this week, but there’s something else notable going on today: It’s the iPhone’s fifth birthday.Wired From ACM Opinion | January 9, 2012
Windows-based tablets haven't been treated kindly by the test of time. Those released in the Windows XP era relied on wonky, stylus-based data entry, and even...Wired From ACM Opinion | December 29, 2011
Can there be any doubt that Steve Jobs was a modern-day Renaissance man—a latter day da Vinci, brimming with creativity, invention, aesthetic and business acumen...Wired From ACM Opinion | December 9, 2011
If you're going to travel back in time, author Stephen King says, preparation is everything. The further back you go, the more you have to think about.Wired From ACM Opinion | November 15, 2011
So what do Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo have in store for us with the next generation of consoles? When will we see the Xbox 720, the PS4, and the Wii-2, and...Wired From ACM Opinion | November 3, 2011
There are few things in this world I despise more than software updates. Downloading hundreds of files, waiting for the progress bar to fill, restarting the device—it’s...Wired From ACM Opinion | October 27, 2011
The USA Patriot Act, the law granting the government vast surveillance powers that was adopted in the wake of September 11, turns a decade old Wednesday. But...Wired From ACM Opinion | October 26, 2011
Animators from NMA.TV have reached a new high in campy 3D synthesis of real-world events, boiling down all 630 pages of Walter Isaacson’s Steve Jobs bio into...Wired From ACM News | October 25, 2011
As iPhone 4S's flood into the hands of the public, users are coming face-to-face with something they weren't quite expecting: Apple's new voice interface, Siri...Wired From ACM Opinion | October 17, 2011
The tributes to Dennis Ritchie won’t match the river of praise that spilled out over the web after the death of Steve Jobs. But they should.Wired From ACM Opinion | October 14, 2011
When I was a grad student at the University of Wisconsin in 1978, I called Dennis Ritchie at Bell Labs to tell him about the work I was doing with the Unix line...Wired From ACM Opinion | October 13, 2011
There’s a bill sitting on the desk of California Governor Jerry Brown, which if signed would ban police from searching the mobile devices of people arrested for...Wired From ACM Opinion | September 26, 2011
Reading my RSS and Twitter feeds Tuesday night, I turned to a tech writer friend and said, "the Wintel Era just ended, and half of these people are fighting over...Wired From ACM News | September 16, 2011
Former AT&T engineer Mark Klein handed a sheaf of papers in January 2006 to lawyers at the Electronic Frontier Foundation, providing smoking-gun evidence that...Wired From ACM Opinion | September 15, 2011