From Communications of the ACM
Digital innovation is not working in the interest of the whole of society. It is time to radically rethink its purpose without…
Filippo Gualtiero Blancato| March 1, 2024
We now know that every day, U.S. phone companies quietly send the government a list of who called whom and when—"telephony metadata"—for every call made on their...Wired From ACM Opinion | June 20, 2013
Physically, the NSA has always been well protected by miles of high fences and electrified wire, thousands of cameras, and gun-toting guards.Wired From ACM Opinion | June 14, 2013
It wasn’t just cost and Moore’s law. The graphical user interface—now known as the GUI ("gooey")—is what really made computing widespread, personal and ubiquitous...Wired From ACM Opinion | March 21, 2013
Jay Parikh sits at a desk inside Building 16 at Facebook’s headquarters in Menlo Park, California, and his administrative assistant, Genie Samuel, sits next to...Wired From ACM Opinion | February 5, 2013
Hugo Campos has a cardiac defibrillator implanted in his body. It sends data about his heart to his doctors and back to the manufacturer, but it takes days to get...Wired From ACM Opinion | September 27, 2012
It was a tweet that fired the imagination like few others. On May 10, 2011, at 1:35 in the afternoon, Eric Brewer told the world he was redesigning the most important...Wired From ACM Opinion | September 5, 2012
Google started work on the Google Compute Engine over a year and a half ago, and it was all Peter Magnusson could do to keep his mouth shut.Wired From ACM News | July 6, 2012
Even though I followed Google's I/O Conference from across the country, the event made it obvious that a company created with a strict focus on search has become...Wired From ACM Opinion | July 6, 2012
On Monday, the Defense Department’s best-known geek announced that she was leaving the Pentagon for a job at Google. It was an unexpected move: Washington and Mountain...Wired From ACM Opinion | March 15, 2012
Luiz André Barroso doesn't see Google's data centers as data centers. He sees them as computers the size of warehouses.Wired From ACM News | January 13, 2012
So Microsoft is buying Skype for $8.5 billion, its biggest deal ever. It’s too soon to make a pronouncement on whether the purchase is an idiot move, a brilliant...Wired From ACM Opinion | May 11, 2011
Google's new update to its search engine addressed the growing complaint that low-quality content sites (derisively referred to as content farms) were ranked higher...Wired From ACM News | March 7, 2011
The company once known for its "don't be evil" motto is now in bed with the spy agency known for the mass surveillance of American citizens.
The National Security...Wired From ACM Opinion | February 5, 2010