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Meet the Man Who Put the '@' in Your Email
From ACM Opinion

Meet the Man Who Put the '@' in Your Email

Who invented email? That's a bit like asking, "Who invented the Internet?" Even those with intimate knowledge of its creation can’t agree on the moment it actually...

How Fbi Technology Woes Let Fort Hood Shooter Slip By
From ACM News

How Fbi Technology Woes Let Fort Hood Shooter Slip By

On November 5, 2009, an Army psychiatrist stationed at Fort Hood, Texas shot and killed 12 fellow soldiers and a civilian Defense Department employee while wounding...

The Frightening Things You Hear at a Black Hat Conference
From ACM Opinion

The Frightening Things You Hear at a Black Hat Conference

Here is a look at some of the highlights and scarier happenings taking place at the annual Black Hat hacker conference in Las Vegas last week.

Tagging and Tracking Espionage Botnets
From ACM Opinion

Tagging and Tracking Espionage Botnets

A security researcher who's spent 18 months cataloging and tracking malicious software that was developed and deployed specifically for spying on governments, activists...

From ACM Opinion

The Public Is Left in the Dark When Courts Allow Electronic Surveillance

A big part of Magistrate Judge Stephen W. Smith's job in Federal District Court in Houston is to consider law enforcement requests for cellphone and email records...

The Ethics of Software Engineering Should Be an Ethics For the Client
From Communications of the ACM

The Ethics of Software Engineering Should Be an Ethics For the Client

Viewing software engineering as a communicative art in which client engagement is essential.

Internet Elections
From Communications of the ACM

Internet Elections: Unsafe in Any Home?

Experiences with electronic voting suggest elections should not be conducted via the Internet.

The Internet Is Everywhere, but the Payoff Is Not
From Communications of the ACM

The Internet Is Everywhere, but the Payoff Is Not

Examining the uneven patterns of Internet economics.

A System Is Not a Product
From Communications of the ACM

A System Is Not a Product

Stopping to smell the code before wasting time reentering configuration data.

The Politics of 'Real Names'
From Communications of the ACM

The Politics of 'Real Names'

Power, context, and control in networked publics.

Will Massive Open Online Courses Change How We Teach?
From Communications of the ACM

Will Massive Open Online Courses Change How We Teach?

Sharing recent experiences with the massive open artificial intelligence course developed and conducted by Stanford faculty Sebastian Thrun and Peter Norvig.  

Inside the Hermit Kingdom
From Communications of the ACM

Inside the Hermit Kingdom: IT and Outsourcing in North Korea

North Korea has a sizeable IT sector. Some 10,000 professionals work in the field, and many more have IT degrees. They are already engaged in outsourcing contracts...

Russia's Top Cyber Sleuth Foils ­S Spies, Helps Kremlin Pals
From ACM Opinion

Russia's Top Cyber Sleuth Foils ­S Spies, Helps Kremlin Pals

It's early February in Cancun, Mexico. A group of 60 or so financial analysts, reporters, diplomats, and cybersecurity specialists shake off the previous night's...

What's ­p With Skype?
From ACM Opinion

What's ­p With Skype?

Is the government listening to our Skype conversations? If so, it's not a bad thing. Here's why.

Taking the Cyberattack Threat Seriously
From ACM Opinion

Taking the Cyberattack Threat Seriously

Last month I convened an emergency meeting of my cabinet and top homeland security, intelligence and defense officials. Across the country trains had derailed,...

Stuxnet Shifts the Cyber Arms Race ­p a Gear
From ACM Opinion

Stuxnet Shifts the Cyber Arms Race ­p a Gear

Over the last 25 years we've seen a massive change in how we think about information.

From ACM Opinion

Technology Can Be Harnessed to Fight Drug Cartels in Mexico

A couple of months ago we visited Juarez, Mexico, a city right across our border—yet so far away.

Western Media Seeking to Play Down Iran's Cyber Capability By New Virus Story
From ACM Opinion

Western Media Seeking to Play Down Iran's Cyber Capability By New Virus Story

The western media sought to play down Iran's cyber and computer software capability by releasing hundreds of reports on the discovery of a new computer virus and...

How Google Is Becoming an Extension of Your Mind
From ACM Opinion

How Google Is Becoming an Extension of Your Mind

It's time to think of Google as much more than just a search engine, and that should both excite and spook you.

From ACM Opinion

The End of Privacy?

Cellphones, email, and online social networking have come to rule daily life, but Congress has done nothing to update federal privacy laws to better protect digital...
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