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Smoke Screening
From ACM Opinion

Smoke Screening

Not until I walked with Bruce Schneier toward the mass of people unloading their laptops did it occur to me that it might not be possible for us to hang around...

Interfaces For the Ordinary User
From Communications of the ACM

Interfaces For the Ordinary User: Can We Hide Too Much?

Increasing the visibility and access to underlying file structure on consumer devices can vastly improve the user experience.

From Communications of the ACM

The IBM PC: From Beige Box to Industry Standard

Looking back at three decades of PC platform evolution.

The Difference Engine
From Communications of the ACM

The Difference Engine

Observations on cognitive diversity and team performance.

The Yin and Yang of Copyright and Technology
From Communications of the ACM

The Yin and Yang of Copyright and Technology

Examining the recurring conflicts between copyright and technology from piano rolls to domain-name filtering.

Infosec Careers: The New Demands
From ACM Careers

Infosec Careers: The New Demands

A major goal for information security students and institutions should be developing a cultural way of learning, instead of simply studying for tests and doing...

From ACM Opinion

The Future of Moral Machines

A robot walks into a bar and says, "I’ll have a screwdriver." A bad joke, indeed. But even less funny if the robot says "Give me what’s in your cash register."...

From ACM Opinion

An Open Letter from Internet Engineers to the ­.s. Congress

Today, a group of 83 prominent Internet inventors and engineers sent an open letter to members of the United States Congress, stating their opposition to the...

Carrier Iq Gets Transparent About Its Mobile Monitoring
From ACM Opinion

Carrier Iq Gets Transparent About Its Mobile Monitoring

It's been a tumultuous few weeks for Carrier IQ, the mobile analytics outfit at the center of a continuing privacy brouhaha over what its diagnostic software...

From ACM Opinion

Why Transparent Tracking Needs Its Own App

Amid widespread concern over an obscure piece of smart-phone diagnostic software that some experts say could be used to collect and transmit sensitive information...

From ACM Opinion

Who Watches the Watchers?

Once again, specialized security technology from a western vendor was found being used by foreign regime on the U.S. trade embargo list.

The Big Data Boom Is the Innovation Story of Our Time
From ACM Opinion

The Big Data Boom Is the Innovation Story of Our Time

The data revolution has turned customers into unwitting business consultants, as our purchases and searches are tracked to improve everything from Web sites to...

Doctoral Program Rankings For U.S. Computing Programs
From Communications of the ACM

Doctoral Program Rankings For U.S. Computing Programs: The National Research Council Strikes Out

A proposal for improving doctoral program ranking strategy.

The Grounding Practice
From Communications of the ACM

The Grounding Practice

The skill of making and recognizing grounded claims is essential for professional practice. Getting objective data to support your conclusions is not enough.

Data Trends on Minorities and People with Disabilities in Computing
From Communications of the ACM

Data Trends on Minorities and People with Disabilities in Computing

Seeking a comprehensive view of minority student demographics to determine what programs and policies are needed to promote diversity.

Debugging on Live Systems
From Communications of the ACM

Debugging on Live Systems

It is more of a social than a technical problem.

On Turbocharged, Heat-Seeking, Robotic Fishing Poles
From Communications of the ACM

On Turbocharged, Heat-Seeking, Robotic Fishing Poles

There is a well-known proverb, "If you give someone a fish, they'll eat for a day; if you teach them how to fish, they'll eat for a lifetime." The point is obvious...

The Legacy of Steve Jobs
From Communications of the ACM

The Legacy of Steve Jobs

Reflecting on the career and contributions of the Apple cofounder.

Life, Death, and the iPad: Cultural Symbols and Steve Jobs
From Communications of the ACM

Life, Death, and the iPad: Cultural Symbols and Steve Jobs

In the days that followed Steve Jobs' death, he was frequently compared to Henry Ford and Thomas Edison. But Jobs was creating experiences, not technologies or...

The Most Ancient Marketing
From Communications of the ACM

The Most Ancient Marketing

Before Apple, Steve Jobs famously went to India with a college friend. While I never had occasion to talk to Jobs about it, I have a theory I wish I had a chance...
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