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The Internet That Facebook Built
From Communications of the ACM

The Internet That Facebook Built

The on-ramp might appear free but exiting takes a toll.

Why the Surveillance State Lives On
From ACM Opinion

Why the Surveillance State Lives On

Once upon a time, Glenn Greenwald was a lonely voice in the blogging wilderness, and Edward Snowden was an isolated functionary at the heart of the American national...

Google Ceo on Moonshots: Find a 'zero Million Dollar' Research Problem
From ACM Opinion

Google Ceo on Moonshots: Find a 'zero Million Dollar' Research Problem

To succeed at a moonshot, you need curiosity, impulse, and a problem that no one seems to be investing in.

William Gibson: I Never Imagined Facebook
From ACM Opinion

William Gibson: I Never Imagined Facebook

Even if you've never heard of William Gibson, you're probably familiar with his work.

Google Scholar Pioneer on Search Engine's Future
From ACM Opinion

Google Scholar Pioneer on Search Engine's Future

Anurag Acharya, co-creator of Google Scholar, talks about the service's history and what he sees for its future.

North Korea: Surfing the Net in the World's Most Isolated Nation
From ACM Opinion

North Korea: Surfing the Net in the World's Most Isolated Nation

What's the point of a computer in a hermit country sealed off from the internet?

Ft Interview with Google Co-Founder and Ceo Larry Page
From ACM Opinion

Ft Interview with Google Co-Founder and Ceo Larry Page

Wouldn't the world be a happier place if 90 per cent of the people with jobs put their feet up instead and left the robots to do the work?

William Gibson Writes the Future
From ACM Opinion

William Gibson Writes the Future

William Gibson lives in an overwhelmingly green suburb with old-money roots south of Vancouver's downtown, and it is in this suburb that I am currently wandering...

Christine Kenneally's 'invisible History of the Human Race'
From ACM Opinion

Christine Kenneally's 'invisible History of the Human Race'

Of Christine Kenneally’s father’s father—a man neither Kenneally nor her father ever knew, a man who did the deed requisite to reproduction and promptly vanished—she...

Okcupid's Xoxo For Big Surveillance
From ACM Opinion

Okcupid's Xoxo For Big Surveillance

Christian Rudder is a good writer—so good, in fact, it's easy for readers of Dataclysm: Who We Are (When We Think No One’s Looking) to be smitten by his engaging...

Fbi Director on Privacy, Electronic Surveillance
From ACM Opinion

Fbi Director on Privacy, Electronic Surveillance

James Comey, the director of the FBI, says the Internet is the most dangerous parking lot imaginable.

How Big Data Algorithms See ­s—while They Eat ­S ­p
From ACM Opinion

How Big Data Algorithms See ­s—while They Eat ­S ­p

Four years ago I interviewed Sam Yagan, then CEO of OKCupid, about the mathematics underlying his free matchmaking site.

Why Germans Are Afraid of Google
From ACM Opinion

Why Germans Are Afraid of Google

These days Germany is known for being many things: a leader in clean technology, a manufacturing powerhouse, Europe's foreign policy center.

Find Out What Your Zip Code Predicts You'll Buy
From ACM Opinion

Find Out What Your Zip Code Predicts You'll Buy

Where you live says a lot about you—and nobody knows that better than marketeers. Now, though, you can take a glimpse at what they know, using this searchable map...

5 Insights from Vint Cerf on Bitcoin, Net Neutrality and More
From ACM Opinion

5 Insights from Vint Cerf on Bitcoin, Net Neutrality and More

When Vint Cerf, often called the "father of the Internet," is speaking, it's wise to listen.

How The Cold War And George Orwell Helped Make The Internet What It Is
From ACM Opinion

How The Cold War And George Orwell Helped Make The Internet What It Is

The story of how the digital age came to be involves a cast of more than 40 people, ranging from a 19th century English countess to California hippies.

We Want Privacy, but Can't Stop Sharing
From ACM Opinion

We Want Privacy, but Can't Stop Sharing

Imagine a world suddenly devoid of doors.

The Toughest Case: What If Osama Bin Laden Had an Iphone?
From ACM Opinion

The Toughest Case: What If Osama Bin Laden Had an Iphone?

In rebuking Apple and Google for their new smartphone encryption polices on Thursday, FBI Director James B. Comey became the latest law enforcement official to...

When Everything Works Like Your Cell Phone
From ACM Opinion

When Everything Works Like Your Cell Phone

Everyone understands what it means to own a plunger.

Risks and Myths of Cloud Computing and Cloud Storage
From Communications of the ACM

Risks and Myths of Cloud Computing and Cloud Storage

Considering existing and new types of risks inherent in cloud services.
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