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On Turbocharged, Heat-Seeking, Robotic Fishing Poles
From Communications of the ACM

On Turbocharged, Heat-Seeking, Robotic Fishing Poles

There is a well-known proverb, "If you give someone a fish, they'll eat for a day; if you teach them how to fish, they'll eat for a lifetime." The point is obvious...

The Legacy of Steve Jobs
From Communications of the ACM

The Legacy of Steve Jobs

Reflecting on the career and contributions of the Apple cofounder.

Life, Death, and the iPad: Cultural Symbols and Steve Jobs
From Communications of the ACM

Life, Death, and the iPad: Cultural Symbols and Steve Jobs

In the days that followed Steve Jobs' death, he was frequently compared to Henry Ford and Thomas Edison. But Jobs was creating experiences, not technologies or...

The Most Ancient Marketing
From Communications of the ACM

The Most Ancient Marketing

Before Apple, Steve Jobs famously went to India with a college friend. While I never had occasion to talk to Jobs about it, I have a theory I wish I had a chance...

Occupy the Net!
From ACM Opinion

Occupy the Net!

What would George Orwell make of Facebook? Nothing really: His account would probably be deactivated by the company. If he were lucky, he would be told to produce...

From ACM Opinion

The Last Person

There is a concept in telecommunications called "the last mile," that part of any phone system that is the most difficult to connect—the part that goes from the...

Misconceptions in Ai: Or Why Watson Can't Talk to Siri
From ACM Opinion

Misconceptions in Ai: Or Why Watson Can't Talk to Siri

On Tuesday night, I was schooled by Watson on playing Jeopardy in an exhibition match at the Computer History Museum. I discovered that despite our fear of the...

From ACM Opinion

Privacy Loses in Twitter/wikileaks Records Battle

A district court judge in Virginia ruled against online privacy, allowing U.S federal investigators to collect private records of three Twitter users as part of...

From ACM Opinion

Take That, Adobe! Jobs Gets Last Laugh on Flash

In April, 2010, Steve Jobs devoted about 1,700 words to a public post ripping Adobe's Flash to shreds. His most cutting comments concerned the mobile version of...

From ACM Opinion

Blogging the Stanford Machine Learning Class

After three weeks of frustrating math dealing with dull statistics problems, we’re on to frustrating math dealing with "neural networks"—models of how the cells...

From ACM Opinion

How Can Malware Be Stopped?

The world of cybersecurity is starting to resemble a paranoid thriller.

Irobot Ceo: Enough with the Gimmick 'bots
From ACM Opinion

Irobot Ceo: Enough with the Gimmick 'bots

It's no surprise that uber-geek and iRobot CEO Colin Angle is a Star Wars fan.

From ACM Opinion

The Court's Gps Test

There were no GPS tracking devices when the framers wrote the Fourth Amendment’s prohibition against unreasonable searches. But that does not mean this sometimes...

From ACM Opinion

The End of the Credit Card?

A new app called Card Case foretells a world without cash and plastic.

Wikipedia Founder Jimmy Wales on the Internet's Future
From ACM News

Wikipedia Founder Jimmy Wales on the Internet's Future

Censorship is the biggest threat to the development of the Internet, according to Wikipedia's founder Jimmy Wales.

Why Siri Is a Google Killer
From ACM Opinion

Why Siri Is a Google Killer

It has now been a couple of weeks since Siri debuted as part of Apple’s iPhone 4S. The response from most people has been very positive. However, Siri is tremendously...

Why Microsoft Embraced Gaming
From ACM Opinion

Why Microsoft Embraced Gaming

When the original Xbox video-game console went on sale in 2001, it wasn't clear why Microsoft, known for staid workplace software, was branching out into fast...

From ACM Opinion


In his recent biography of Steve Jobs, author Walter Isaacson says the Apple visionary revealed to him that he had finally "cracked" the problem with TV and was...

From ACM Opinion

5 Wishes For the Next Generation of Consoles

So what do Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo have in store for us with the next generation of consoles? When will we see the Xbox 720, the PS4, and the Wii-2, and...

Web Security Expert Warns Of Cyber World War
From ACM Opinion

Web Security Expert Warns Of Cyber World War

Eugene Kaspersky is not given to easy hyperbole. But the Russian maths genius who founded an internet security empire with a global reach, clutched at his thick...
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