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When Does Law Enforcement's Demand to Read Your Data Become a Demand to Read Your Mind?
From Communications of the ACM

When Does Law Enforcement's Demand to Read Your Data Become a Demand to Read Your Mind?

On cryptographic backdoors and prosthetic intelligence.

A Hunt For Ways to Combat Online Radicalization
From ACM Opinion

A Hunt For Ways to Combat Online Radicalization

Law enforcement officials, technology companies and lawmakers have long tried to limit what they call the "radicalization" of young people over the internet.

The Enduring Legacy of Zork
From ACM Opinion

The Enduring Legacy of Zork

In 1977, four recent MIT graduates who'd met at MIT's Laboratory for Computer Science used the lab's PDP-10 mainframe to develop a computer game that captivated...

Why AI Visionary Andrew Ng Teaches Humans to Teach Computers
From ACM Opinion

Why AI Visionary Andrew Ng Teaches Humans to Teach Computers

Andrew Ng has led teams at Google and Baidu that have gone on to create self-learning computer programs used by hundreds of millions of people, including email...

Everyone Thinks That Automation Will Take Our Jobs. The Evidence Disagrees
From ACM Opinion

Everyone Thinks That Automation Will Take Our Jobs. The Evidence Disagrees

Last year, the Japanese company SoftBank opened a cell phone store in Tokyo and staffed it entirely with sales associates named Pepper. This wasn't as hard as it...

Kids Should Know How to Code
From ACM Opinion

Kids Should Know How to Code

During a recent White House meeting with President Donald Trump, Apple CEO Tim Cook remarked that "coding should be a requirement in every public school." 

Profile of Claude Shannon, Inventor of Information Theory
From ACM Opinion

Profile of Claude Shannon, Inventor of Information Theory

Claude Shannon couldn't sit still.

Better Business Through Sci-Fi
From ACM Opinion

Better Business Through Sci-Fi

About five years ago, Ari Popper enrolled in a course on science-fiction writing at the University of California, Los Angeles, hoping to distract himself from the...

Metrology Is Key to Reproducing Results
From ACM Opinion

Metrology Is Key to Reproducing Results

Imagine you are a policymaker who needs to know how much carbon is stored in the South American forest.

Prophets, Seers, and Pioneers
From Communications of the ACM

Prophets, Seers, and Pioneers

Reflections on historical prognostications for the future.

From Communications of the ACM

The Natural Science of Computing

As unconventional computing comes of age, we believe a revolution is needed in our view of computer science.

Deepmind's Founder Says to Build Better Computer Brains, We Need to Look at Our Own
From ACM Opinion

Deepmind's Founder Says to Build Better Computer Brains, We Need to Look at Our Own

After decades in the wilderness, AI has swaggered back onto center stage.

How China Tames Dissent on the Internet
From ACM Opinion

How China Tames Dissent on the Internet

Chinese government leaders, subtle masters of propaganda, seem to have discovered a Sun Tzu formula for taming dissent on the Internet: The best strategy may not...

Information Technology: A Digital Genius at Play
From ACM Opinion

Information Technology: A Digital Genius at Play

The US mathematician and electrical engineer Claude Shannon, whose life spanned the tumultuous, technologically explosive twentieth century, is often called the...

Why Haven't Reporters Mass-Adopted Secure Tools For Communicating With Sources?
From ACM Opinion

Why Haven't Reporters Mass-Adopted Secure Tools For Communicating With Sources?

In the months since Donald Trump took office, Washington has been leaking like a sieve.

Students Are Better Off Without a Laptop in the Classroom
From ACM Opinion

Students Are Better Off Without a Laptop in the Classroom

As recent high school graduates prepare for their migration to college in the fall, one item is sure to top most students' shopping wish lists: a laptop computer...

The President of Search Giant Baidu Has Global Plans
From ACM Opinion

The President of Search Giant Baidu Has Global Plans

Google and Facebook are household names around the world. Baidu? Not yet. Ya-Qin Zhang, president of China's leading search business, says Chinese companies can...

Image Doctoring Must Be Halted
From ACM Opinion

Image Doctoring Must Be Halted

Seven years ago, a cover of The Economist showed Barack Obama, head down on a Louisiana beach in front of an oil rig—the picture of lonely despair.

It's Too Late to Stop China from Becoming an AI Superpower
From ACM Opinion

It's Too Late to Stop China from Becoming an AI Superpower

Last Thursday, Texas senior senator John Cornyn stood before an audience of wonks at the Council on Foreign Relations in Washington, DC, and warned that America's...

China's Tech Moguls Warn of Ai's Troubling Trajectory
From ACM Opinion

China's Tech Moguls Warn of Ai's Troubling Trajectory

China has seen incredible economic and social changes over the past few decades. But could the impact of artificial intelligence take the country by surprise?
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