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Why the Prospect of the IRS Using Facial Recognition Is So Alarming
From ACM Opinion

Why the Prospect of the IRS Using Facial Recognition Is So Alarming

The U.S. government should put more care and due diligence into its use and advocacy of facial recognition technology

 Web3 Is the Future, or a Scam, or Both
From ACM Opinion

Web3 Is the Future, or a Scam, or Both

So what exactly is Web3, and why is everyone in Silicon Valley obsessed with it?

Giving an AI Control of Nuclear Weapons: What Could Go Wrong?
From ACM Opinion

Giving an AI Control of Nuclear Weapons: What Could Go Wrong?

The challenge of autonomous nuclear weapons is a serious one that has received little attention

Peering into the Black Box of Machine-Learning Algorithms
From ACM Opinion

Peering into the Black Box of Machine-Learning Algorithms

NBC correspondent's new book explores long-term dangers of using "behavior design" to hook users

India's Tech Innovation Engines Must Raise Their Game
From ACM Opinion

India's Tech Innovation Engines Must Raise Their Game

Some Indian Institutes of Technology are struggling to establish themselves and must quickly turn things around

Machine-Learning Robustness, Foundation Models, and Reproducibility
From ACM Opinion

Machine-Learning Robustness, Foundation Models, and Reproducibility

An interview with Percy Liang, associate professor of Computer Science at Stanford University

The Rise and Fall (and Rise) of Datasets
From ACM Opinion

The Rise and Fall (and Rise) of Datasets

Retired and redacted datasets flagged as harmful or biased continue to rear their ugly heads

David Chalmers: Virtual Reality Is as Real as Real Reality
From ACM Opinion

David Chalmers: Virtual Reality Is as Real as Real Reality

Philosopher explains how virtual worlds shed light on questions such as what is reality and are we living in a simulation

The Strange Allure of the Blockchain
From ACM Opinion

The Strange Allure of the Blockchain

Are we too aggressively looking to replace the danger of unjust financial systems with wildly risky alternative currencies?

Considering 'Creatively Adequate' AI
From ACM Opinion

Considering 'Creatively Adequate' AI

The future of artificial intelligence needs less data and can tolerate ambiguity

Bitcoin Is Failing Its Original Mandate
From ACM Opinion

Bitcoin Is Failing Its Original Mandate

By plenty of standards, Bitcoin is a failure, but that doesn't mean it's worthless

I've Seen the Metaverse–and I Don't Want It
From ACM Opinion

I've Seen the Metaverse–and I Don't Want It

The metaverse's seductive idea of a virtual utopia looks more like a late-capitalist technocratic nightmare

An Interview with Microsoft's Head of Gaming Ecosystem
From ACM Opinion

An Interview with Microsoft's Head of Gaming Ecosystem

Sarah Bond discusses how Microsoft shifted its console-centric gaming business to make the most of its investments in cloud

Antitrust Enforcers Are Not Going to Back Down
From ACM Opinion

Antitrust Enforcers Are Not Going to Back Down

FTC Chair Lina Khan talks outlines her vision for the future of antitrust enforcement

Why Is Silicon Valley Still Waiting for the Next Big Thing?
From ACM Opinion

Why Is Silicon Valley Still Waiting for the Next Big Thing?

Have the big thinkers of tech lost their mojo?

Open Source Intelligence
From ACM Opinion

Open Source Intelligence

Averting strategic surprises requires uncovering secrets hidden in plain sight

The Lives of Hidden Figures Matter in Computer Science Education
From Communications of the ACM

The Lives of Hidden Figures Matter in Computer Science Education

"I cannot work on what I cannot see . . ." —Katherine Goble, Hidden Figures

I Unplugged What?
From Communications of the ACM

I Unplugged What?

The lessons here are broader than just a simple "Don't do that."

Becoming Universal
From Communications of the ACM

Becoming Universal

A new history of modern computing.

Is Your Autonomous Vehicle as Smart as You Expected?
From Communications of the ACM

Is Your Autonomous Vehicle as Smart as You Expected?

Suggesting a better route to evaluate autonomous vehicles' smartness.
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