From Communications of the ACM
Digital innovation is not working in the interest of the whole of society. It is time to radically rethink its purpose without…
Filippo Gualtiero Blancato| March 1, 2024
Nearly two-thirds of the social media bots with political activity on Twitter before the 2016 U.S. presidential election supported Donald Trump.
The Conversation From ACM Opinion | November 5, 2018
When the Boston public school system announced new start times last December, some parents found the schedules unacceptable and pushed back.
Wired From ACM Opinion | November 5, 2018
If Julian Assange of WikiLeaks denies the Ecuadorian government's stinging charge that he's a disgusting houseguest, he'd do well not to deny that charge "categorically...Wired From ACM Opinion | November 2, 2018
A few weeks ago computer scientist J. Alex Halderman rolled an electronic voting machine onto a Massachusetts Institute of Technology stage and demonstrated how...Scientific American From ACM Opinion | November 2, 2018
The chairman and chief executive officer ofSinovation Ventures says America's technology industry can't afford to underestimate the artificial intelligence companies...Bloomberg Businessweek From ACM Opinion | November 1, 2018
Earlier this week, The New York Times reported that the Russians and the Chinese were eavesdropping on President Donald Trump's personal cellphone and using the...The Atlantic From ACM Opinion | October 31, 2018
In February, the spaceflight company founded by Elon Musk conducted a test launch of its Falcon Heavy rocket, which successfully sent its payload into orbit around...The New York Times From ACM Opinion | October 31, 2018
Everyone knows how to picture the special operations troopers of, for example, the Army's elite Delta Force: Rough-looking customers with custom carbines and advanced...NPR From ACM Opinion | October 30, 2018
A series of unsettling incidents and heated discussions on social media have put the peer review process itself under scrutiny.
Medium From ACM Opinion | October 29, 2018
Your brain is an inexhaustible source of secure passwords—but you might not have to remember anything. Passwords and PINs with letters and numbers are relatively...The Conversation From ACM Opinion | October 26, 2018
Programmable wireless environments use unique customizable software processes rather than traditional rigid channel models.
C. Liaskos, A. Tsioliaridou, A. Pitsillides, S. Ioannidis, I. Akyildiz From Communications of the ACM | November 1, 2018
The growing importance of machine learning creates challenging questions for computing education.
R. Benjamin Shapiro, Rebecca Fiebrink, Peter Norvig From Communications of the ACM | November 1, 2018
Should copyright enforcement have precedence over the interests of users in information privacy and fundamental freedoms?
Pamela Samuelson From Communications of the ACM | November 1, 2018
Pairing artificial intelligence and the blockchain might be what you would expect from a scammer looking to make a quick buck in 2018.
The New York Times From ACM Opinion | October 26, 2018