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Jony Ive's New Look For Ios 7: Black, White, and Flat All Over
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Jony Ive's New Look For Ios 7: Black, White, and Flat All Over

With the grand unveiling of Apple’s next operating system for the iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch approaching, sources have provided detailed descriptions of what...

Meet the Man Who Sold a Month-Old App to Dropbox For $100m
From ACM Opinion

Meet the Man Who Sold a Month-Old App to Dropbox For $100m

When Mailbox sold itself to Dropbox for a reported $100 million or so this March, the month-old iPhone app wasn’t even available to the public.

Access to the Internet Is a Human Right
From Communications of the ACM

Access to the Internet Is a Human Right

Connecting Internet access with freedom of expression and creativity.

Cybercrime, Cyberweapons, Cyber Wars
From Communications of the ACM

Cybercrime, Cyberweapons, Cyber Wars: Is There Too Much of It in the Air?

Where reality stops and perception begins.

What Is a 'Good' Estimate?
From Communications of the ACM

What Is a 'Good' Estimate?

Whether forecasting is valuable.

Swamped By Automation
From Communications of the ACM

Swamped By Automation

Whenever someone asks you to trust them, don't.

Thumb Numbers
From Communications of the ACM

Thumb Numbers

Rules of thumb stated as numerical rules are enticing, but many are folk theorems that may not apply in your critical situation.

Learning from the Past to Face the Risks of Today
From Communications of the ACM

Learning from the Past to Face the Risks of Today

The Space Shuttle software program can provide guidance to today's projects.

Telecom's Big Players Hold Back the Future
From ACM Opinion

Telecom's Big Players Hold Back the Future

If you were going to look for ground zero in the fight against a rapidly consolidating telecom and cable industry, you might end up on the fifth floor of the Benjamin...

Steve Jobs' Dream Device Has Arrived
From ACM Opinion

Steve Jobs' Dream Device Has Arrived

Just before he died, Steve Jobs told his biographer Walter Isaacson about his dream for revolutionizing television.

The Future of Propaganda: Sean Gourley on Big Data and the 'war of Ideas'
From ACM Opinion

The Future of Propaganda: Sean Gourley on Big Data and the 'war of Ideas'

In 2009, Sean Gourley, an Oxford-trained physicist, gave a TED talk called "The Mathematics of War."

Paul Otellini's Intel: Can the Company That Built the Future Survive It?
From ACM Opinion

Paul Otellini's Intel: Can the Company That Built the Future Survive It?

Forty-five years after Intel was founded by Silicon Valley legends Gordon Moore and Bob Noyce, it is the world's leading semiconductor company.

Should Patents Be Awarded to Software?
From ACM Opinion

Should Patents Be Awarded to Software?

The goal of the U.S. patent system is clear: to provide individuals or companies with an incentive to innovate by offering them 20 years of exclusive rights to...

Moshe Vardi: Robots Could Put Humans Out of Work By 2045
From ACM Opinion

Moshe Vardi: Robots Could Put Humans Out of Work By 2045

Robots began replacing human brawn long ago—now they're poised to replace human brains.

Laptop ­
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Laptop ­

Gregory Nagy, a professor of classical Greek literature at Harvard, is a gentle academic of the sort who, asked about the future, will begin speaking of Homer and...

A Multi-Screen and Conversational Search Experience
From ACM Opinion

A Multi-Screen and Conversational Search Experience

Search has always been about giving you the best answers quickly, regardless of what device you use.

The Coming Political Battle Over Bitcoin
From ACM Opinion

The Coming Political Battle Over Bitcoin

Given that Bitcoin first broke into mainstream attention when Gawker explained how to use it to buy drugs, perhaps the surprise is that it took federal regulators...

Ok, Glass, Don't Make Me Look Stupid
From ACM Opinion

Ok, Glass, Don't Make Me Look Stupid

A man sitting alone at his kitchen table pauses before eating his breakfast.

New Android Boss Finally Reveals Plans For World's Most Popular Mobile Os
From ACM Opinion

New Android Boss Finally Reveals Plans For World's Most Popular Mobile Os

For the past few years, Sundar Pichai has been part of a tag-team routine staged at Google's annual I/O developer conference.

Sorry, College Grads, I Probably Won't Hire You
From ACM Opinion

Sorry, College Grads, I Probably Won't Hire You

Dear college graduates: The next month is going to be thrilling as you cross this major milestone in your education.
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