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Advice to Members Seeking ACM Distinction
From Communications of the ACM

Advice to Members Seeking ACM Distinction

ACM's Distinguished Member Recognition Program recognizes members in three categories: Educator, Engineer, and Scientist. Each category...

Cultivating Cultural Diversity in Information Technology
From Communications of the ACM

Cultivating Cultural Diversity in Information Technology

Introducing CMD-IT, a new center focused on synergistic activities related to ethnic minorities and people with disabilities.

Should the Google Book Settlement Be Approved?
From Communications of the ACM

Should the Google Book Settlement Be Approved?

Considering the precedent that could be established by approval of the controversial Google book settlement.

Work Life in the Robotic Age
From Communications of the ACM

Work Life in the Robotic Age

Technological change results in changes in expectations, in this case affecting the workplace.

Outsourcing Versus Shared Services
From Communications of the ACM

Outsourcing Versus Shared Services

Choosing between outsourcing and shared services has significant implications for long-term corporate strategy.

Stanford's Top Engineer From Chips to Abcs
From ACM TechNews

Stanford's Top Engineer From Chips to Abcs

James Plummer, dean of Stanford University's school of engineering, envisions an expansion of the electronics industry's purview from information technology to...

In Defense of Computers and the Internet For Learning
From ACM Opinion

In Defense of Computers and the Internet For Learning

If you’re reading this blog post on a computer, mobile phone or e-reader, please stop what you’re doing immediately. You could be making yourself stupid. And whatever...

The Grill: Fred Brooks
From ACM TechNews

The Grill: Fred Brooks

Fred Brooks, who was project manager for the IBM System/360 and the lead designer of its operating system, says that software developers should plan on continuously...

Does the Internet Make You Smarter or Dumber?
From ACM Opinion

Does the Internet Make You Smarter or Dumber?

Amid the silly videos and spam are the roots of a new reading and writing culture, says Clay Shirky.

Institutional Review Boards and Your Research
From Communications of the ACM

Institutional Review Boards and Your Research

Researchers in computer science departments throughout the U.S. are violating federal law and their own organization's...

Intel's Rebates: Above Board or Below the Belt?
From Communications of the ACM

Intel's Rebates: Above Board or Below the Belt?

Over several years, Intel paid billions of dollars to its customers. Was it to force them to boycott products developed by its rival AMD or so they could sell its...

Privacy By Design: Moving From Art to Practice
From Communications of the ACM

Privacy By Design: Moving From Art to Practice

Designing privacy into systems at the beginning of the development process necessitates the effective translation of privacy principles, models, and mechanisms...

Myths and Fallacies of 'Personally Identifiable Information'
From Communications of the ACM

Myths and Fallacies of 'Personally Identifiable Information'

Developing effective privacy protection technologies is a critical challenge for security and privacy research as the amount and variety of data collected about...

Sociologists Invade World of Warcraft, See Humanity's Future
From ACM Opinion

Sociologists Invade World of Warcraft, See Humanity's Future

In their continued quest to plumb the mysterious depths of human interactions, some sociologists have stopped watching people—and started watching their avatars...

Interview With Dr. Bruno Bachimont
From ACM Opinion

Interview With Dr. Bruno Bachimont

Bruno Bachimont, scientific advisor of the Department of Research and Innovation at France's Institut National de l'Audiovisuel, discusses the constructive mix...

Interview With Dr. Bruno Bachimont
From ACM Opinion

Interview With Dr. Bruno Bachimont

Bruno Bachimont, scientific advisor of the Department of Research and Innovation at France's Institut National de l'Audiovisuel, discusses the constructive mix...

From ACM TechNews

Innovations in STEM Education: A Conversation With Pcast's Jim Gates

An upcoming President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) report will address the issue of improving pre-college math and science education...

The Disruptive Future of Printing
From ACM Opinion

The Disruptive Future of Printing

Imagine a school where a student could sketch out an idea for a new design of bicycle and not only draw it in 3D using a computer-aided design package but actually...

Why We Should Learn the Language of Data
From ACM Opinion

Why We Should Learn the Language of Data

"How can global warming be real when there’s so much snow?" Hearing that question—repeatedly—this past February drove Joseph Romm nuts. A massive snowstorm had...

Great Computing Museums of the World, Part Two
From Communications of the ACM

Great Computing Museums of the World, Part Two

The second of a two-part series highlighting several of the world's museums dedicated to preserving, exhibiting, and elucidating computing history.
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