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A Measure of Control
From Communications of the ACM

A Measure of Control

Some limitations on measurements in software.

Scale Failure
From Communications of the ACM

Scale Failure

Using a tool for the wrong job is OK until the day when it isn't.

Security of the Internet and the Known Unknowns
From Communications of the ACM

Security of the Internet and the Known Unknowns

Seeking answers to questions about Internet vulnerabilities.

Daniela Rus Named Csail Director
From ACM Careers

Daniela Rus Named Csail Director

Daniela Rus, a professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, has been named the next director of MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial...

Meet the Man Who Invented the Instructions For the Internet
From ACM Opinion

Meet the Man Who Invented the Instructions For the Internet

Steve Crocker was there when the Internet was born.

Intel Futurist on Why We Should Not Fear the Future
From ACM Opinion

Intel Futurist on Why We Should Not Fear the Future

Much of Intel's success as a microprocessor manufacturer over the past four decades has come from the company's ability to understand and anticipate the future...

Thomas Sterling: 'i Think We Will Never Reach Zettaflops'
From ACM Opinion

Thomas Sterling: 'i Think We Will Never Reach Zettaflops'

As supercomputing makes its way through the petascale era, the future of the technology has never seemed so uncertain.

Google's Sebastian Thrun: 3 Visions in the 'age of Disruption'
From ACM Opinion

Google's Sebastian Thrun: 3 Visions in the 'age of Disruption'

Today we drive cars, shell out enormous sums for higher education, and navigate the world with electronics that demand the unwavering attention of our ears, eyes...

Andrew (bunnie) Huang on The End of Chumby, New Adventures
From ACM Opinion

Andrew (bunnie) Huang on The End of Chumby, New Adventures

One of my heroes and friends happens to be one in the same person, Andrew (bunnie) Huang. Bunnie tirelessly helps makers, businesses, and the world-at-large with...

From ACM Opinion

When Will This Low-Innovation Internet Era End?

It's an age of unprecedented, staggering technological change. Business models are being transformed, lives are being upended, vast new horizons of possibility...

God and Man in Tennessee
From ACM Opinion

God and Man in Tennessee

Earlier this month state senators in Tennessee approved an update to our sex-education law that would ban teachers from discussing hand-holding, which it categorizes...

Arm's Next Big Opportunity Is in Really Small Devices
From ACM Opinion

Arm's Next Big Opportunity Is in Really Small Devices

ARM's CEO Sir Warren East is casting his eye on the next big opportunity for the chip architecture firm—the Internet of things.

The Robot Revolution Is Just Beginning
From ACM News

The Robot Revolution Is Just Beginning

When industrial robots were first introduced in the early 1960s initially on automobile assembly lines—computers were still in their infancy, so the robots were...

Vint Cerf: We Knew What We Were ­nleashing on the World
From ACM News

Vint Cerf: We Knew What We Were ­nleashing on the World

Vint Cerf invented the protocol that rules them all: TCP/IP.

Neal Stephenson on Science Fiction, Building Towers 20 Kilometers High ... and Insurance
From ACM Opinion

Neal Stephenson on Science Fiction, Building Towers 20 Kilometers High ... and Insurance

Speaking before a packed lecture theater at MIT earlier this week, Neal Stephenson worried that the gloomy outlook prevalent in modern science fiction may be undermining...

Crossing the Software Education Chasm
From Communications of the ACM

Crossing the Software Education Chasm

An Agile approach that exploits cloud computing.

Programming Goes Back to School
From Communications of the ACM

Programming Goes Back to School

Broadening participation by integrating game design into middle school curricula. View a video featuring author Alexander Repenning about using games to introduce...

Darwin's Devices
From ACM Opinion

Darwin's Devices

When I tell people that I work on "evolving robots," their common response is to joke—semi-seriously—about Skynet or some other sci-fi nightmare in which machines...

We Can Survive Killer Asteroids
From ACM Opinion

We Can Survive Killer Asteroids

The chances that your tombstone will read "Killed by Asteroid" are about the same as they'd be for "Killed in Airplane Crash."

A Rosie Future: Jetsons-Like Gadgets with 'ambient Intelligence' Are Key to Smart Homes and Cities
From ACM Opinion

A Rosie Future: Jetsons-Like Gadgets with 'ambient Intelligence' Are Key to Smart Homes and Cities

Fifty years after The Jetsons promised us a future of robot maids, flying cars, video phones and meals at the push of a button, it seems that reality may actually...
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