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From Windows to the Xbox: Bill Gates' 'pioneering' Impact
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From Windows to the Xbox: Bill Gates' 'pioneering' Impact

To ask what impact Bill Gates has had on computing is, in a way, too small a question.

What Is Nasa For?
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What Is Nasa For?

What the heck is NASA for? It's like asking what a panda is for.

Why Startups Should Steal Ideas and Hire Weirdos
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Why Startups Should Steal Ideas and Hire Weirdos

The most consistently creative and insightful people are explorers.

Bitcoin's Political Problem
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Bitcoin's Political Problem

Money is always political.

Why Tech Companies and the NSA Diverge on Snowden
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Why Tech Companies and the NSA Diverge on Snowden

Is Edward Snowden a whistleblower or a traitor?

Tim Berners-Lee: We Need to Re-Decentralise the Web
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Tim Berners-Lee: We Need to Re-Decentralise the Web

Twenty-five years on from the web's inception, its creator has urged the public to re-engage with its original design: a decentralised internet that at its very...

When Will Genomics Cure Cancer?
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When Will Genomics Cure Cancer?

Since the beginning of this century, the most rapidly advancing field in the life sciences, and perhaps in human inquiry of any sort, has been genomics.

A Creator of Skynet Ponders Google
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A Creator of Skynet Ponders Google

After an eight-year detour in which he served as governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger has returned to his true calling as a cyborg assassin.

Snowden Leaks: The Man Who Watches Over the Nsa
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Snowden Leaks: The Man Who Watches Over the Nsa

Whistleblower Edward Snowden's revelations have revealed that a huge capability resides within America's National Security Agency to collect and analyse communications...

Pluto Wins
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Pluto Wins

It's time to stop throwing pity parties for Pluto.

The Case of the Hacked Refrigerator—could 'the Internet of Things' Connect Everything?
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The Case of the Hacked Refrigerator—could 'the Internet of Things' Connect Everything?

Somebody hacked a refrigerator recently, and it could mark a tipping point for civilization.

Bitcoin: How Its Core Technology Will Change the World
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Bitcoin: How Its Core Technology Will Change the World

Bitcoin has been called many things, from the future of money to a drug dealer's dream and everything else in between.

Dropbox Ceo Drew Houston
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Dropbox Ceo Drew Houston

Dropbox, the popular cloud storage system that lets people drag files to an icon that puts that data in the cloud and sync new versions across multiple devicesHiding...

How to Create the Perfect Online Dating Profile, in 25 Infographics
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How to Create the Perfect Online Dating Profile, in 25 Infographics

Every day, millions of singles crawl dating sites and apps, flipping through photos and profiles of potential matches.

Why Google Kept Motorola's Research Lab
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Why Google Kept Motorola's Research Lab

Google's $2.9 billion sale of Motorola Mobility to Chinese PC maker Lenovo might seem like lousy business, given Google's $12.5 billion purchase in 2012 and losses...

Microsoft Ceo Nadella's Top Challenge: Figuring Out Mobile
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Microsoft Ceo Nadella's Top Challenge: Figuring Out Mobile

Microsoft stands at a crossroads when it comes to mobile.

Judges Poised to Hand ­.s. Spies the Keys to the Internet
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Judges Poised to Hand ­.s. Spies the Keys to the Internet

How does the NSA get the private crypto keys that allow it to bulk eavesdrop on some email providers and social networking sites?

Facebook Turns 10: The Mark Zuckerberg Interview
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Facebook Turns 10: The Mark Zuckerberg Interview

Mark Zuckerberg doesn't usually observe sentimental anniversaries.

Through a Face Scanner Darkly
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Through a Face Scanner Darkly

Anonymity forms a protective casing.

When Big Data Marketing Becomes Stalking
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When Big Data Marketing Becomes Stalking

Many of us now expect our online activities to be recorded and analyzed, but we assume the physical spaces we inhabit are different.
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