From Communications of the ACM
Digital innovation is not working in the interest of the whole of society. It is time to radically rethink its purpose without…
Filippo Gualtiero Blancato| March 1, 2024
Blockchain technology isn't as widely used as it could be, largely because blockchain users don't trust each other, as research shows.
The Conversation From ACM Opinion | February 5, 2019
Former Trump advisor and self-proclaimed "dirty trickster" Roger Stone—the man with a Richard Nixon tattoo on his back and a penchant for playing the evil genius—was...Ars Technica From ACM Opinion | January 28, 2019
We're living through the most profound transformation in our information environment since Johannes Gutenberg's invention of printing in circa 1439.
The Guardian From ACM Opinion | January 22, 2019
On Tuesday, Wikipedia celebrates its 18th birthday. If the massive crowdsourced encyclopedia project were human, then in most countries, it would just now be considered...The Washington Post From ACM Opinion | January 15, 2019
As Americans increasingly buy and install smart devices in their homes, all those cheap interconnected devices create new security problems for individuals and...The Conversation From ACM Opinion | January 14, 2019
Remember Innerspace, the comedy sci-fi movie from the '80s about a microscopic manned pod injected into a human?
Scientific American From ACM Opinion | January 14, 2019
How do New York Times journalists use technology in their jobs and in their personal lives? Li Yuan, a technology columnist in Hong Kong, discussed the tech she's...The New York Times From ACM Opinion | January 11, 2019
As the new Congress begins, it will soon discuss the comprehensive reports to the U.S. Senate on the disinformation campaign of half-truths, outright fabrications...The Conversation From ACM News | January 9, 2019
Imagine American politics for a moment as a laboratory experiment. A foreign adversary (let's call it "Russia") begins to play with the subjects, using carrots...The Washington Post From ACM Opinion | December 28, 2018
Personal technology was so awful this year that nobody would think you were paranoid if you dug a hole and buried your computer, phone and smart speaker under six...The New York Times From ACM Opinion | December 26, 2018
Last Wednesday, a day after Google's C.E.O., Sundar Pichai, sat before the House Judiciary Committee to answer questions about the company's search engine,Donald...The New Yorker From ACM Opinion | December 26, 2018
With Microsoft's decision to end development of its own Web rendering engine and switch to Chromium, control over the Web has functionally been ceded to Google....Ars Technica From ACM Opinion | December 20, 2018
Considering a potential platform candidate in the evolving realm of gene-editing technologies research.
Michael A. Cusumano From Communications of the ACM | January 1, 2019
In the fall of 1965, President Lyndon Johnson's administration announced a plan to consolidate hundreds of federal databases into one centralized National Data...The New York Times From ACM Opinion | December 5, 2018
Social media has played a key role in the recent rise of violent right-wing extremism in the United States, including three recent incidents—one in which a man...The New York Times From ACM Opinion | November 26, 2018
Digital privacy has come a long way since June 2013. In the five years since documents provided by Edward Snowden became the basis for a series of revelations that...Ars Technica From ACM News | November 21, 2018