From Communications of the ACM
Digital innovation is not working in the interest of the whole of society. It is time to radically rethink its purpose without…
Filippo Gualtiero Blancato| March 1, 2024
There is a well-known proverb, "If you give someone a fish, they'll eat for a day; if you teach them how to fish, they'll eat for a lifetime." The point is obvious...Kentaro Toyama From Communications of the ACM | December 1, 2011
There's a tiny knob missing from my hands-free car kit, which I keep meaning to replace. The thing is, I don't think I can buy parts for it, so I probably need...The Guardian From ACM Opinion | November 18, 2011
Why can't Americans tap into the ingenuity that put men on the moon, created the Internet, and sequenced the human genome to revitalize our economy?The New York Times From ACM Opinion | November 10, 2011
How to address user information needs amidst a preponderance of data.Hector Garcia-Molina, Georgia Koutrika, Aditya Parameswaran From Communications of the ACM | November 1, 2011
Nine teacher-oriented faculty in computer science departments at research universities in the U.S. or Canada describe how their positions work, how they contribute...SIGCSE Teaching-Oriented Faculty Working Group From Communications of the ACM | November 1, 2011
Steve Cousins, President and CEO of Willow Garage, creators of the PR2 robot and the TurtleBot—both based on the open source ROS (Robot Operating System) platform—discusses...Linux Today From ACM Opinion | October 17, 2011
Steve Cousins, President and CEO of Willow Garage, creators of the PR2 robot and the TurtleBot—both based on the open source ROS (Robot Operating System) platform—discusses...Linux Today From ACM Opinion | October 17, 2011
My lifespan encompasses the era when the United States of America was capable of launching human beings into space.World Policy Institute From ACM Opinion | October 5, 2011
A proposal for a new cost-free open-access publication model for computer science papers.Dan S. Wallach From Communications of the ACM | October 1, 2011
After racing and biking back roads on the San Francisco Peninsula for almost half a century without serious incident, on July 3 I crashed while riding downhill...The New York Times From ACM News | September 12, 2011
The Museum of Modern Art’s "Talk to Me: Design and the Communication Between People and Objects" is one of the smartest design shows in years—by which I mean...The New York Times From ACM Opinion | July 29, 2011
Imagine, if you will, a young Mark Zuckerberg circa 2003, tapping out mail messages from his Harvard dorm room. It's a safe bet he never would have guessed that...The New York Times From ACM News | July 26, 2011
The publication culture in computer science is different. Whereas other disciplines focus on journal publication, the standard practice...Joseph Y. Halpern, David C. Parkes From Communications of the ACM | August 1, 2011
When Cisco killed the beloved Flip camcorder a few months ago, a lot of people were shocked and upset—including me. It just seemed like such a ham-handed, thoughtless...The New York Times From ACM Opinion | July 15, 2011