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Physical Media Is Dead
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Physical Media Is Dead

Over the weekend, Hunter Walk (a friend of mine who works for YouTube) tweeted about brands offering apps built on the Spotify platform. Spotify is likely to ...

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From the Birthplace of Big Brother

The George W. Bush team must be consumed with envy. Britain's government is preparing sweeping new legislation that would let the country's domestic intelligence...

Web Freedom Faces Geatest Threat Ever, Warns Google's Sergey Brin
From ACM Opinion

Web Freedom Faces Geatest Threat Ever, Warns Google's Sergey Brin

The principles of openness and universal access that underpinned the creation of the Internet three decades ago are under greater threat than ever, according to...

How Will the New Law on Cookies Affect Internet Browsing?
From ACM Opinion

How Will the New Law on Cookies Affect Internet Browsing?

We are being watched.

Why Did Facebook Pay So Much For a Company with Zero Revenue?
From ACM Opinion

Why Did Facebook Pay So Much For a Company with Zero Revenue?

When word came that Instagram had been acquired by Facebook for $1 billion, the tweets came fast, and they were furious.

Move Over, Eye Candy. Here Comes the Business Tech Boom
From ACM Careers

Move Over, Eye Candy. Here Comes the Business Tech Boom

Sometimes an IPO is more than just another IPO, and that's the case with Palo Alto Networks, which has just filed to go public.

Google Glasses: Will You Want Google Tracking Your Eyes?
From ACM Opinion

Google Glasses: Will You Want Google Tracking Your Eyes?

The world was stunned by the first real look at Google's Project Glass. In a video released by the search giant, we got a a captivating look at how its glasses...

The Education of Google's Larry Page
From ACM Opinion

The Education of Google's Larry Page

Larry Page is surrounded.

Hacks of Valor
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Hacks of Valor

Over the past year, the U.S. government has begun to think of Anonymous, the online network phenomenon, as a threat to national security.

Pinterest a Company to Watch on Ip Issues, Expert Says
From ACM Opinion

Pinterest a Company to Watch on Ip Issues, Expert Says

Pinterest's growth is stabilizing after exploding onto the scene.

How China Steals Our Secrets
From ACM Opinion

How China Steals Our Secrets

For the last two months, senior government officials and private-sector experts have paraded before Congress and described in alarming terms a silent threat: cyberattacks...

From ACM Opinion

Web Privacy Rules Turn Poachers into Gamekeepers

When you "like" something on Facebook or read an online newspaper, perhaps a dozen or more companies are squirreling away data on your tastes, your habits, whether...

Vint Cerf Attacks European Internet Policy
From ACM Opinion

Vint Cerf Attacks European Internet Policy

Mr. Cerf, often called the father of the Internet, said that the so-called "right to be forgotten" online was "not possible to achieve."

Cyber and Drone Attacks May Change Warfare More Than the Machine Gun
From ACM Opinion

Cyber and Drone Attacks May Change Warfare More Than the Machine Gun

From state-sponsored cyberattacks to autonomous robotic weapons, 21st century war is increasingly disembodied.

Living on a Stream: The Rise of Real-Time Video
From ACM Opinion

Living on a Stream: The Rise of Real-Time Video

A couple of weeks ago, I was talking to a friend about streaming. I was marveling how easy it’s becoming to beam a live video feed, anywhere, not only to a friend...

The Philosopher Whose Fingerprints Are All Over the Ftc's New Approach to Privacy
From ACM Opinion

The Philosopher Whose Fingerprints Are All Over the Ftc's New Approach to Privacy

A mile or two away from Facebook's headquarters in Silicon Valley, Helen Nissenbaum of New York University was standing in a basement on Stanford's campus explaining...

The Grill: David D. Clark
From ACM TechNews

The Grill: David D. Clark

In an interview, Massachusetts Institute of Technology research scientist David D. Clark says the Internet's biggest benefit is its intermediation of people getting...

A Rosie Future: Jetsons-Like Gadgets with 'ambient Intelligence' Are Key to Smart Homes and Cities
From ACM Opinion

A Rosie Future: Jetsons-Like Gadgets with 'ambient Intelligence' Are Key to Smart Homes and Cities

Fifty years after The Jetsons promised us a future of robot maids, flying cars, video phones and meals at the push of a button, it seems that reality may actually...

Dns Changer
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Dns Changer

One fine night in November 2011 I got an opportunity to get my hands dirty, working on a project for the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Kinect Lab Boss on the Future of Computer Interfaces
From ACM Opinion

Kinect Lab Boss on the Future of Computer Interfaces

Andrew Blake is managing director of Microsoft Research Cambridge, the U.K. lab responsible for the machine learning software behind Kinect.
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