From Communications of the ACM
Digital innovation is not working in the interest of the whole of society. It is time to radically rethink its purpose without…
Filippo Gualtiero Blancato| March 1, 2024
A humanoid robot will visit space for the first time in September aboard the Space Shuttle Discovery, NASA announced Wednesday. The Robonaut 2, which was co-developed...Wired From ACM Opinion | April 15, 2010
The reality--and my fears--dawned only slowly.
For weeks, friends and colleagues complained I had not answered their e-mail messages. I swore I had not received...The New York Times From ACM Opinion | April 13, 2010
For about a decade now, ever since it became clear that the jungle of the World Wide Web would triumph over the walled gardens of CompuServe, AOL and MSN, a general...The New York Times From ACM Opinion | April 12, 2010
But once you try one, you won't be able to resist.
I picked up my iPad at a San Francisco Apple Store early on Saturday morning, and I spent the rest of the weekend...Slate From ACM Opinion | April 6, 2010
Here's a potentially noteworthy development in the patent litigation-riddled mobile device market.
The patent is No. 7,679,604, "Method and apparatus for controlling...CNET From ACM Opinion | March 25, 2010
Early this year, the big brains at Google admitted that they had been outsmarted. Along with 33 other companies, the search giant had been the victim of a major...Wired From ACM Opinion | March 24, 2010
Cisco's CRS-3 router made a bit of a splash when it was announced on March 9, but the power of this new device hasn't yet sunk in. Consider: The CRS-3, a network...Time From ACM Opinion | March 18, 2010
The introduction of Apple's iPad predictably divided gadget fans into "love it" and "hate it" camps.
The haters say iPad lacks multitasking, a Webcam, Flash support...Computerworld From ACM Opinion | March 18, 2010
The Obama administration has said that it may require automakers to install “smart pedals” on all new cars. This kind of system—already used in BMWs, Chryslers...The New York Times From ACM Opinion | March 12, 2010
In the wake of the U.S. Congressional hearings on the Toyota recalls, we have heard various proposals for countering unintended acceleration in automobiles.
Transportation...The New York Times From ACM Opinion | March 12, 2010
My battalion commander, Lt. Col. Michael Kurilla, gave the directive that my squad leaders, platoon sergeant, and myself had heard countless times: my platoon was...The New York Times From ACM Opinion | March 11, 2010
On-board diagnostics know how the car is being driven, for the sake of the driver's (and society's) own good.By Tom Vanderbilt From ACM Opinion | March 10, 2010
When Apple CEO Steve Jobs unveiled the iPhone at 2007's Macworld conference, he began by describing the device's groundbreaking user interface. "We have invented...Slate From ACM Opinion | March 10, 2010
I won't lie to you: I was not a good engineering student. That's one of the reasons I went into journalism. But I managed to acquire a bachelor of sciences in mechanical...The Washington Post From ACM Opinion | March 8, 2010
Tom Mitchell, head of Carnegie Mellon University's Machine Learning Department, says that advances in machine learning could bring about a transformation in psychology...Computerworld From ACM TechNews | March 3, 2010
All of the gloss and glitter doesn’t hide the fact that both Mac and Windows operating systems are still pretty geeky and difficult for many computer users to navigate...The New York Times From ACM Opinion | February 25, 2010
The show is one week away -- here's a prediction on which technologies will be buzzing.
In the midst of the global recession, I found the RSA 2009 Conference...NetworkWorld From ACM Opinion | February 24, 2010
Whenever an airplane crashes, investigators focus on the black-box data, which may explain why the plane went down. Though most drivers don't realize it, two-thirds...Newsweek From ACM Opinion | February 18, 2010