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Apple's Mountain Lion Makes the Mac More Like the Ipad

Apple's iPhones and iPads get most of the attention, but Apple is now directing the spotlight on the Mac.

Lightsquared Blew It, and Here's Why
From ACM Opinion

Lightsquared Blew It, and Here's Why

LightSquared may have had a great case for building its wireless network, but the fledgling company lacked the political tact to see it through.

A High-Tech War on Leaks
From ACM Opinion

A High-Tech War on Leaks

Back in 2006, before the Obama administration made leak prosecutions routine, a panel of three federal appeals court judges in New York struggled to decide whether...

From ACM Opinion

Researchers Detail Flaw in Online Cryptography, but Don't Panic

First, the bad news: A small number of active RSA public encryption keys, a popular type of encryption protocol that secures billions of online transactions, offer...

The Delivery Guy Who Saw Jeremy Lin Coming
From ACM Opinion

The Delivery Guy Who Saw Jeremy Lin Coming

The morning after Jeremy Lin sank a thrilling, last-second three-pointer that lifted the New York Knicks over the Toronto Raptors and gave "Linsanity" its latest...

Rudy Rucker: 'all These Years, and I'm Still Looking For the Big Aha'
From ACM Opinion

Rudy Rucker: 'all These Years, and I'm Still Looking For the Big Aha'

"When I see an old movie, like from the '40s or '50s or '60s, the people look so calm. They don't have smart phones, they're not looking at computer screens, they're...

What Dropbox Can Teach ­S About Cloud Computing
From ACM Opinion

What Dropbox Can Teach ­S About Cloud Computing

Dropbox is the most deceptively simple of services.

Cyberwar Is the New Yellowcake, Fueling a Cybersecurity-Industrial Complex
From ACM Opinion

Cyberwar Is the New Yellowcake, Fueling a Cybersecurity-Industrial Complex

In last month's State of the Union address, President Obama called on Congress to pass "legislation that will secure our country from the growing dangers of cyber...

From ACM Opinion

A Cyber Risk to the ­.s.

In a recent briefing to Congress about worldwide threats, FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III said that the danger of cyberattacks will equal or surpass the danger...

From ACM Opinion

Tides Are Changing For Web Surfers

David Weinberger has a new book out entitled Too Big to Know in which he argues that one of the implications of a comprehensively networked society is that the...

Apps For Ipad 3: What Apple Should Demo at the Grand ­nveiling
From ACM Opinion

Apps For Ipad 3: What Apple Should Demo at the Grand ­nveiling

All indicators suggest Apple will unveil the iPad 3 during the first week of March. That’s less than a month away, and sources at The Next Web say Apple is in "crunch...

Erasing the Boundaries
From ACM Opinion

Erasing the Boundaries

Technology used to be so simple.

From ACM Opinion

Who Cares About Apple TV? Bring Us the Apple Car

The much-mythologized Apple television could be a terrible next step for the company.

Api: Three Letters That Change Life, the ­niverse, and Even Detroit
From ACM News

Api: Three Letters That Change Life, the ­niverse, and Even Detroit

Sam Ramji met AT&T chief technology officer John Donovan on a speed date—or at least the tech world equivalent of a speed date.

Hp R&d Chief Shows Road to Terabyte Backplane
From ACM TechNews

Hp R&d Chief Shows Road to Terabyte Backplane

New technologies will be the key to dealing with the coming flood of digital data, says HP Labs director Prith Banerjee.  

A Discussion With David Farber: Bandwidth, Cyber Security, and the Obsolescence of the Internet
From ACM TechNews

A Discussion With David Farber: Bandwidth, Cyber Security, and the Obsolescence of the Internet

Internet technology veteran David Farber projects that within a decade, computers will be outfitted with optical connections rather than pins for networking, and...

Designing Windows 8, or How to Redesign a Religion
From ACM Opinion

Designing Windows 8, or How to Redesign a Religion

There are lot of hard jobs at Microsoft. But Sam Moreau just might have the hardest of all. Or at least the most harrowing. Over the past five years, he's taken...

From ACM Opinion

Facebook Is Using You

Last week, Facebook filed documents with the government that will allow it to sell shares of stock to the public. It is estimated to be worth at least $75 billion...

From ACM Opinion

Welcome to the Desktop Degree

Once upon a time, a very long time ago, in 1995 to be precise, a scholar named Eli Noam published an article in the prestigious journal Science under the titleElectronics...

From ACM Opinion

Rethinking the Soul As the 'net Becomes More Lifelike

Does the Internet have a soul?
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