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Quantum Computers Ready to Leap Out of the Lab in 2017
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Quantum Computers Ready to Leap Out of the Lab in 2017

Quantum computing has long seemed like one of those technologies that are 20 years away, and always will be.

Why frankenstein is Still Relevant, Almost 200 Years After It Was Published
From ACM Opinion

Why frankenstein is Still Relevant, Almost 200 Years After It Was Published

Can I be totally honest? All I remember about Frankenstein is that Frankenstein is the doctor, not the monster. What happens in it?

The Biggest Security Threats Coming in 2017
From ACM Opinion

The Biggest Security Threats Coming in 2017

Whether it was a billion compromised Yahoo accounts or state-sponsored Russian hackers muscling in on the US election, this past year saw hacks of unprecedented...

You Won't Believe What Nasa Hid from US This Year
From ACM Opinion

You Won't Believe What Nasa Hid from US This Year

As the federal agency at the forefront of exploring outer space, NASA winds up being the front door for all manner of alien conspiracies.

Here's What a 'digital Miranda Warning' Might Look Like
From ACM Opinion

Here's What a 'digital Miranda Warning' Might Look Like

Anyone who has ever watched an American crime movie or television show can practically recite the Miranda warning by heart, even if they don't know its official...

Tech That Will Change Your Life in 2017
From ACM Opinion

Tech That Will Change Your Life in 2017

If you've seen in it in a movie, you might see it in reality in 2017.

Best Books of 2016
From ACM Opinion

Best Books of 2016

Our editors' picks for the best books of 2016, and some they're eagerly anticipating.

Nasa's Overlooked Duty to Look Inward
From ACM Opinion

Nasa's Overlooked Duty to Look Inward

In 1942, not long after the attack on Pearl Harbor, the poet Archibald MacLeish wrote an essay called "The Image of Victory," in which he asked what winning the...

2017 Sneak Peek: What the New Year Holds For Science
From ACM Opinion

2017 Sneak Peek: What the New Year Holds For Science

If the United States pulls back on its climate commitments as president-elect Donald Trump has promised, China, the world's biggest emitter of greenhouse gases,...

Building Jarvis
From ACM Opinion

Building Jarvis

My personal challenge for 2016 was to build a simple AI to run my home—like Jarvis in Iron Man.

Dear Mr. Trump: To 'cyber' Better, Try the Blockchain
From ACM Opinion

Dear Mr. Trump: To 'cyber' Better, Try the Blockchain

A massive distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack took several high-profile websites—Twitter, Amazon, the New York Times, even WIRED—offline in October.

The Internet Is Broken. Starting from Scratch, Here's How I'd Fix It.
From ACM Opinion

The Internet Is Broken. Starting from Scratch, Here's How I'd Fix It.

My big idea is that we have to fix the Internet.

Astro Teller, Captain of Moonshots at X, on the Future of Ai, Robots, and Coffeemakers
From ACM Opinion

Astro Teller, Captain of Moonshots at X, on the Future of Ai, Robots, and Coffeemakers

Astro Teller has an unusual way of starting a new project: He tries to kill it.

If Only AI Could Save ­s from Ourselves
From ACM Opinion

If Only AI Could Save ­s from Ourselves

Humans have broken the Internet.

If We Made Contact with Aliens, How Would Religions React?
From ACM Opinion

If We Made Contact with Aliens, How Would Religions React?

In 2014, Nasa awarded $1.1M to the Center for Theological Inquiry, an ecumenical research institute in New Jersey, to study “the societal implications of astrobiology”...

Artificial Intelligence Has a Big Year Ahead
From ACM Opinion

Artificial Intelligence Has a Big Year Ahead

Get ready for AI to show up where you'd least expect it.

Nasa Science Chief: 'i Have No Worries About the Resilience of This Country'
From ACM Opinion

Nasa Science Chief: 'i Have No Worries About the Resilience of This Country'

Solar physicist Thomas Zurbuchen became NASA's science chief in October, replacing astronaut John Grunsfeld. Just one month later, the US political system wentwhen...

Where Will Nasa Go in the Age of Trump?
From ACM Opinion

Where Will Nasa Go in the Age of Trump?

Two weeks after a presidential election that could have vaulted him to the head of NASA, John Grunsfeld reached across his peanut curry at a small restaurant on...

Cybersecurity's Next Phase: cyber-Deterrence
From ACM Opinion

Cybersecurity's Next Phase: cyber-Deterrence

Cyberattackers pose many threats to a wide range of targets. Russia, for example, was accused of hacking Democratic Party computers throughout the year, interfering...

Two Friends Who Changed How We Think About How We Think
From ACM Opinion

Two Friends Who Changed How We Think About How We Think

In 2003, we reviewed "Moneyball," Michael Lewis's book about Billy Beane and the Oakland A's
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