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Innovation and Inclusion
From Communications of the ACM

Innovation and Inclusion

What technology companies, especially startups, need to know about building great places to work — for her and him — in the digital age.

Port Squatting
From Communications of the ACM

Port Squatting

Do not irk your local sysadmin.

Making the Case For a 'Manufacturing Execution System' For Software Development
From Communications of the ACM

Making the Case For a 'Manufacturing Execution System' For Software Development

Seeking to improve information integration throughout the manufacturing process.

Why the Surveillance State Lives On
From ACM Opinion

Why the Surveillance State Lives On

Once upon a time, Glenn Greenwald was a lonely voice in the blogging wilderness, and Edward Snowden was an isolated functionary at the heart of the American national...

Automation Makes ­S Dumb
From ACM Opinion

Automation Makes ­S Dumb

Artificial intelligence has arrived.

Baidu's Andrew Ng on Deep Learning and Innovation in Silicon Valley
From ACM Opinion

Baidu's Andrew Ng on Deep Learning and Innovation in Silicon Valley

Six months ago, Chinese Internet-search giant Baidu signaled its ambitions to innovate by opening an artificial-intelligence center in Silicon Valley, in Google's...

The Simple Question Nobody's Asking About Net Neutrality
From ACM Opinion

The Simple Question Nobody's Asking About Net Neutrality

President Obama rattled the internet this week when he unloaded his opinion on net neutrality, the notion that all internet traffic should be treated equally.

Google Ceo on Moonshots: Find a 'zero Million Dollar' Research Problem
From ACM Opinion

Google Ceo on Moonshots: Find a 'zero Million Dollar' Research Problem

To succeed at a moonshot, you need curiosity, impulse, and a problem that no one seems to be investing in.

Why We're All Beta Testers Now
From ACM Opinion

Why We're All Beta Testers Now

I taught a class a few years ago at Columbia Business School called "What Makes a Hit a Hit—and a Flop a Flop."

For Rosetta Mission's Scientists, the Thrill Is in the Comet Chase
From ACM Careers

For Rosetta Mission's Scientists, the Thrill Is in the Comet Chase

Claudia Alexander has spent the last 15 years of her life waiting for this moment: landing a spacecraft the size of a washing machine on the surface of a speeding...

Will Moocs Be Flukes?
From ACM Opinion

Will Moocs Be Flukes?

On July 23rd, 1969, Geoffrey Crowther addressed the inaugural meeting of the Open University, a British institution that had just been created to provide an alternative...

Ft Interview with Google Co-Founder and Ceo Larry Page
From ACM Opinion

Ft Interview with Google Co-Founder and Ceo Larry Page

Wouldn't the world be a happier place if 90 per cent of the people with jobs put their feet up instead and left the robots to do the work?

Megan Smith: 'you Can Affect Billions of People'
From ACM Opinion

Megan Smith: 'you Can Affect Billions of People'

Now that you work at the White House, approximately how many times a day do you find yourself thinking, God, we did this so much better at Google?

Human Spaceflight: Find Asteroids to Get to Mars
From ACM Opinion

Human Spaceflight: Find Asteroids to Get to Mars

Interplanetary flight is the next giant leap for humans in space. Yet consensus on even the smallest steps forward has proven elusive.

Why All Employees Must Learn to Code
From ACM Opinion

Why All Employees Must Learn to Code

The most important technological skill for all employees is being able to code.

Why Rite Aid and Cvs Stopped Taking Apple Pay
From ACM Opinion

Why Rite Aid and Cvs Stopped Taking Apple Pay

The introduction of Apple Pay last Monday was widely described as the dawn of a new era for smartphone payments.

The Three Breakthroughs That Have Finally ­nleashed AI on the World
From ACM Opinion

The Three Breakthroughs That Have Finally ­nleashed AI on the World

A few months ago I made the trek to the sylvan campus of the IBM research labs in Yorktown Heights, New York, to catch an early glimpse of the fast-arriving, long...

Vimeo Tech Chief Takes on 'terrifying' Online Video Challenges
From ACM Opinion

Vimeo Tech Chief Takes on 'terrifying' Online Video Challenges

Think online video is old hat? Think again.

Designing User Incentives For Cybersecurity
From Communications of the ACM

Designing User Incentives For Cybersecurity

How to encourage better user security practices and behavior

An Embarrassment of Riches
From Communications of the ACM

An Embarrassment of Riches

A critical review of open innovation systems.
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