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Communications of the ACM

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'We All Have A Part to Play in Fixing the Digital Skills Shortage'
From ACM Opinion

'We All Have A Part to Play in Fixing the Digital Skills Shortage'

Naomi Timperley, co-founder of Tech North Advocates and of GSI, talks about her work with tech startups, scaleups, and tomorrow's entrepreneurs.

What's Your Placebo?
From Communications of the ACM

What's Your Placebo?

The dangers of participation bias in educational studies.

Storytelling and Science
From Communications of the ACM

Storytelling and Science

Incorporating storytelling into organizational culture.

Securing the Company Jewels
From Communications of the ACM

Securing the Company Jewels

GitHub and runbook security.

Data Platforms and Network Effects
From Communications of the ACM

Data Platforms and Network Effects

How data-network effects create opportunities and inflate expectations.

Let Us Not Put All Our Eggs in One Basket
From Communications of the ACM

Let Us Not Put All Our Eggs in One Basket

Toward new research directions in computer science.

On the Model of Computation: Counterpoint
From Communications of the ACM

On the Model of Computation: Counterpoint: Parallel Programming Wall and Multicore Software Spiral: Denial Hence Crisis

Parallel programming wall and multicore software spiral: Denial hence crisis.

On the Model of Computation: Point
From Communications of the ACM

On the Model of Computation: Point: We Must Extend Our Model of Computation to Account for Cost and Location

We must extend our model of computation to account for cost and location.

The Atlas Milestone
From Communications of the ACM

The Atlas Milestone

Celebrating virtual memory, which has made such a difference in how we approach programming, memory management, and secure computing.

Security by Labeling
From Communications of the ACM

Security by Labeling

Protecting and empowering the digital consumer.

Why Universities Must Resist GPA-based Enrollment Caps in the Face of Surging Enrollments
From Communications of the ACM

Why Universities Must Resist GPA-based Enrollment Caps in the Face of Surging Enrollments

Considering the challenges for universities to adapt their business models to changing student demands.

When Should a Black Box Be Transparent?
From Communications of the ACM

When Should a Black Box Be Transparent?

When is a replacement not a replacement?

An Interview with Dana Scott
From Communications of the ACM

An Interview with Dana Scott

ACM Fellow and A.M. Turing Award recipient Dana Scott reflects on his career.

An Interview with Dana Scott
From Communications of the ACM

An Interview with Dana Scott

ACM Fellow and A.M. Turing Award recipient Dana Scott reflects on his career.

Transforming Science through Cyberinfrastructure
From Communications of the ACM

Transforming Science through Cyberinfrastructure

NSF's vision for the U.S. cyberinfrastructure ecosystem for science and engineering in the 21st century.

Computational Thinking in the Era of Data Science
From Communications of the ACM

Computational Thinking in the Era of Data Science

Incorporating data thinking into computer science education.

Words Matter
From Communications of the ACM

Words Matter

Some jargon can be offensive to newcomers and unintentionally shape our thoughts.

Algorithms with Predictions
From Communications of the ACM

Algorithms with Predictions

Seeking a new approach that goes beyond worst-case analysis.

Cookie Monster
From Communications of the ACM

Cookie Monster

Inscrutable cookie banners torment users while failing to inform consent.

The Future of Information Work
From Communications of the ACM

The Future of Information Work

Considering the recent effects of remote work on network structure.
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