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An 'interview' With Google's New Digital Assistant
From ACM Opinion

An 'interview' With Google's New Digital Assistant

Alphabet Inc.'s Google unit introduced a new digital assistant Wednesday. Bloomberg News put the system through its paces by asking questions, some of which were...

For the Debaters: What Shall We Do About the Tech Careening Our Way?
From ACM Opinion

For the Debaters: What Shall We Do About the Tech Careening Our Way?

Here's a question I’m hoping comes up at Monday's presidential debate: Secretary Clinton and Mr. Trump, what would you do about self-driving trucks?

Are the Experts Worried About the Existential Risk of Artificial Intelligence?
From ACM Opinion

Are the Experts Worried About the Existential Risk of Artificial Intelligence?

If you believe everything you read, you are probably quite worried about the prospect of a superintelligent, killer AI.

Big Step For Quantum Teleportation Won't Bring ­S Any Closer to Star Trek. Here's Why
From ACM Opinion

Big Step For Quantum Teleportation Won't Bring ­S Any Closer to Star Trek. Here's Why

Two teams have set new distance records for quantum teleportation: using the weirdness of quantum mechanics to instantly transfer the condition or "state" of one...

The Leaky Myths of Snowden
From ACM Opinion

The Leaky Myths of Snowden

Oliver Stone's Snowden is a bad movie, stuffed with myth, short on drama.

The Feds Will Soon Be Able to Legally Hack Almost Anyone
From ACM Opinion

The Feds Will Soon Be Able to Legally Hack Almost Anyone

Digital devices and software programs are complicated. Behind the pointing and clicking on screen are thousands of processes and routines that make everything work...

The Time I Went on Border Patrol in a Virtual Reality World
From ACM Opinion

The Time I Went on Border Patrol in a Virtual Reality World

I found myself on a desolate desert road, in front of a man who was leaning against the hood of a banged-up sedan and next to a United States Border Patrol agent...

Microsoft's Top Lawyer Becomes a Civil Rights Crusader
From ACM Opinion

Microsoft's Top Lawyer Becomes a Civil Rights Crusader

When Apple CEO Tim Cook refused to help the FBI get into a mass murderer's iPhone last winter, he was hailed for his boldness in fighting the government on ...

Paperless Voting Could Fuel 'rigged' Election Claims
From ACM Opinion

Paperless Voting Could Fuel 'rigged' Election Claims

Voters in four competitive states will cast ballots in November on electronic machines that leave no paper trail—a lapse that threatens to sow distrust about a...

The Do-Not-Call List Has a Gaping Hole
From ACM Opinion

The Do-Not-Call List Has a Gaping Hole

Sure, legitimate telemarketers will refrain from calling you if you've put your phone number on it. But criminal telephone spammers will call you anyway because...

How Scientifically Plausible Is 'star Trek'?
From ACM Opinion

How Scientifically Plausible Is 'star Trek'?

"Star Trek" turns 50 on Sept. 8, and instead of buying it a fancy sports car, our mission is to boldly go down the "Star Trek" rabbit hole, or rather, wormhole,...

Before Apple And Facebook, There Was Something More Revolutionary
From ACM Opinion

Before Apple And Facebook, There Was Something More Revolutionary

It's easy to think that the modern era in communication began in the 1990s with the birth of the Internet.

The Next President Will Decide the Fate of Killer Robots, and the Future of War
From ACM Opinion

The Next President Will Decide the Fate of Killer Robots, and the Future of War

The next president will have a range of issues on their plate, from how to deal with growing tensions with China and Russia, to an ongoing war against ISIS.

Everyone Gets the Future Wrong: Lo and Behold Movie Review
From ACM Opinion

Everyone Gets the Future Wrong: Lo and Behold Movie Review

Hackers? Check. Driverless cars? Check. SpaceX? Check. Robots? Check. Elon Musk? Check. ARPANET? Check. Video game addicts? Check. Brainscans? Check. Internet of...

How an Inventor You've Probably Never Heard of Shaped the Modern World
From ACM Opinion

How an Inventor You've Probably Never Heard of Shaped the Modern World

Many of the inventors who fueled the digital revolution have become household names.

How Tech Giants Are Devising Real Ethics For Artificial Intelligence
From ACM Opinion

How Tech Giants Are Devising Real Ethics For Artificial Intelligence

For years, science-fiction moviemakers have been making us fear the bad things that artificially intelligent machines might do to their human creators.

Here's How Russian Hackers Could Actually Tip an American Election
From ACM Opinion

Here's How Russian Hackers Could Actually Tip an American Election

Reports this week of Russian intrusions into U.S. election systems have startled many voters, but computer experts are not surprised.

Why Russian Hackers Probably Can't Mess with the ­.s. Election
From ACM Opinion

Why Russian Hackers Probably Can't Mess with the ­.s. Election

State-sponsored Russian hackers appear to be behind attacks on voter databases in Arizona and Illinois.

How Electronic Voting Could ­ndermine the Election
From ACM Opinion

How Electronic Voting Could ­ndermine the Election

It's 2016: What possible reason is there to vote on paper? When we use touchscreens to communicate, work, and shop, why can't we use similar technology to vote?

The Hype, and Hope, of Artificial Intelligence
From ACM Opinion

The Hype, and Hope, of Artificial Intelligence

Earlier this month, on his HBO show "Last Week Tonight," John Oliver skewered media companies' desperate search for clicks.
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