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From ACM TechNews

Reconfigurable Computing Research Pushes Forward

Alan George, director of the U.S. National Science Foundation's Center for High-Performance Reconfigurable Computing (CHREC), says that challenges and objectives...

CS Leader at ­niversity of Texas at Dallas Plans to Continue School's Growth
From ACM Opinion

CS Leader at ­niversity of Texas at Dallas Plans to Continue School's Growth

It's no secret that the University of Texas at Dallas' Erik Jonsson School of Engineering & Computer Science wants to become a top-ranked research school. The computer...

CS Leader at ­niversity of Texas at Dallas Plans to Continue School's Growth
From ACM Opinion

CS Leader at ­niversity of Texas at Dallas Plans to Continue School's Growth

It's no secret that the University of Texas at Dallas' Erik Jonsson School of Engineering & Computer Science wants to become a top-ranked research school. The computer...

Viewpoints: Why Aren't More 'techies' Women?
From ACM TechNews

Viewpoints: Why Aren't More 'techies' Women?

Although technology jobs have become increasingly popular as a result of the recession, young women are still not choosing careers in technology, writes Silicon...

Computing's Paradigm
From Communications of the ACM

Computing's Paradigm

Trying to categorize computing as engineering, science, or math is fruitless; we have our own paradigm.

Israel's Technology Industry as an Economic Growth Engine
From Communications of the ACM

Israel's Technology Industry as an Economic Growth Engine

How government-industry collaboration can have far-reaching economic influences.

Opening Remarks
From Communications of the ACM

Opening Remarks

Highlighting efforts and providing the rationale to increase the participation and success of underrepresented groups in computing.

From ACM Opinion

Letter To The President

There is an interconnect between the IT education policy in a country and the economic growth experienced or expected. "Computation is the most powerful 'thing...

Need to Take Technology to the Masses in Hindi, Commissioner Says
From ACM Opinion

Need to Take Technology to the Masses in Hindi, Commissioner Says

Anil Kakodkar, the chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission of India, emphasized the need to take nation-building scientific technologies to the masses in national...

An Interview with Ping Fu
From Communications of the ACM

An Interview with Ping Fu

Ping Fu, CEO of the digital shape sampling and processing company Geomagic, discusses her background, achievements, and challenges managing a company during a period...

On Public Service and Computer Science
From Communications of the ACM

On Public Service and Computer Science

Members of the computer science community should become more involved in public service by becoming program managers at federal agencies, the opportunities and...

The Broadband Price Is Not Right
From Communications of the ACM

The Broadband Price Is Not Right

Developing an effective pricing index is essential to understanding the value of broadband connectivity.

Are Business Methods Patentable?
From Communications of the ACM

Are Business Methods Patentable?

How the U.S. Supreme Court's forthcoming decision in the Bilski v. Doll case is expected to affect existing and future software patents.

Usable Security: How to Get It
From Communications of the ACM

Usable Security: How to Get It

Why does your computer bother you so much about security, but still isn't secure? It's because users don't have a model for security, or a simple way to keep important...

From ACM Opinion

Reverse Brain Drain to India and China

America is a great place to start a company. Reports state that 52 percent of all Silicon Valley companies were started by immigrants. The problem is, it is now...

China Racing Ahead in It Revolution
From ACM Opinion

China Racing Ahead in It Revolution

China is striving to build first-rate research capabilities that can transform its economy from manufacturing based to technology based. In one of the efforts to...

From ACM Opinion

Nobel Prizes Remind ­S Why Immigration Matters

If you're looking for reasons to puff out your chest and take pride in being American, then take note that all six Nobel Prize winners announced so far this week...

From ACM Opinion

Should Operating Systems Be Intuitive?

Should computers be intuitive, requiring little to no learning or thinking? Is it even possible for them to be so? “Nothing is intuitive,” said Slashdot blogger...

Q&A: The Networker
From Communications of the ACM

Q&A: The Networker

Jon Kleinberg talks about algorithms, information flow, and the connections between Web search and social networks.

A Conversation with David E. Shaw
From Communications of the ACM

A Conversation with David E. Shaw

Stanford professor Pat Hanrahan sits down with the noted hedge fund founder, computational biochemist, and (above all) computer scientist.
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