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Tim Cook Says Apple Has No Limits
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Tim Cook Says Apple Has No Limits

Don't tell Apple it can't do something.

Bill Gates on Reddit: Thoughts on Steve Jobs, Windows, and the Next Disruption
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Bill Gates on Reddit: Thoughts on Steve Jobs, Windows, and the Next Disruption

Bill Gates held court on Reddit on Monday, becoming just the latest notable figure to submit to the site's open question-and-answer sessions.

Apple and Samsung, Frenemies For Life
From ACM Opinion

Apple and Samsung, Frenemies For Life

It was the late Steve Jobs' worst nightmare. A powerful Asian manufacturer, Samsung Electronics Co Ltd, uses Google Inc's Android software to create smartphones...

The Threat of Silence
From ACM Careers

The Threat of Silence

For the past few months, some of the world's leading cryptographers have been keeping a closely guarded secret about a pioneering new invention.

Phreaks and Geeks
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Phreaks and Geeks

One of the most heartfelt—and unexpected—remembrances of Aaron Swartz, who committed suicide last month at the age of 26, came from Yale professor Edward Tufte.

Don't Like Television? Then You're Not Going to Like the Future of Twitter Very Much
From ACM Opinion

Don't Like Television? Then You're Not Going to Like the Future of Twitter Very Much

According to a number of anonymous reports, Twitter is in the process of buying Bluefin Labs, an analytics company that specializes in broadcast media—an acquisition...

How Big Data Has Changed Dating
From ACM Opinion

How Big Data Has Changed Dating

Online dating has gone mainstream. Over one third of the 90 million single adults in America have an online dating profile in any given month. And, as

Geeks Are the New Guardians of Our Civil Liberties
From ACM Opinion

Geeks Are the New Guardians of Our Civil Liberties

A decade-plus of anthropological fieldwork among hackers and like-minded geeks has led me to the firm conviction that these people are building one of the most...

Meet the Data Brains Behind the Rise of Facebook
From ACM Opinion

Meet the Data Brains Behind the Rise of Facebook

Jay Parikh sits at a desk inside Building 16 at Facebook’s headquarters in Menlo Park, California, and his administrative assistant, Genie Samuel, sits next to...

The Increasingly Blurry Line Between Big Data and Big Brother
From ACM Opinion

The Increasingly Blurry Line Between Big Data and Big Brother

The potential benefits of "big data" have been well described, both by us and others: the ability to spot flu trends earlier and potentially save lives, for example...

Eric Schmidt ­nloads on China in New Book
From ACM Opinion

Eric Schmidt ­nloads on China in New Book

Google executive chairman Eric Schmidt is brutally clear: China is the most dangerous superpower on Earth.

Inside the Targeted Attack on The New York Times
From ACM Opinion

Inside the Targeted Attack on The New York Times

The Chinese group behind the targeted attack on The New York Times was laser focused on accessing the email of a reporter and the newspaper’s former Beijing bureau...

Google's Eric Schmidt: Drone Wars, Virtual Kidnaps, and Privacy For Kids
From ACM Opinion

Google's Eric Schmidt: Drone Wars, Virtual Kidnaps, and Privacy For Kids

Google's chairman has sketched out a future world in which cyberterrorists are targeted by government drone strikes, online identities are taken hostage and held...

How to Build the Perfect Gaming Pc For 2013–and Beyond
From ACM Opinion

How to Build the Perfect Gaming Pc For 2013–and Beyond

There's little doubt that PC gaming is undergoing a renaissance at the moment.

A Fuzzy and Shifting Line Between Hacker and Criminal
From ACM Opinion

A Fuzzy and Shifting Line Between Hacker and Criminal

In January 2011, I was assigned to cover a hearing in Newark, where Daniel Spitler, then 26, stood accused of breaching AT&T's servers and stealing 114,000 email...

The Two Classes of Cyber Threats
From ACM Opinion

The Two Classes of Cyber Threats

There is one number that matters most in cybersecurity.

Microsoft's Steve Ballmer Does Not Fear Dropbox or an Office-Less Ipad
From ACM Opinion

Microsoft's Steve Ballmer Does Not Fear Dropbox or an Office-Less Ipad

When Microsoft Chief Executive Officer Steve Ballmer does his bounding these days, it's often in front of an 82-inch interactive display mounted on the wall of...

Cellphone Chips Will Remake the Server World. Period.
From ACM News

Cellphone Chips Will Remake the Server World. Period.

Facebook recently ran an experiment. Inside a test lab, somewhere behind the scenes at the world's most popular network, engineers sidled up to a computer server...

The Explosive Growth of Postdocs in Computer Science
From Communications of the ACM

The Explosive Growth of Postdocs in Computer Science

Considering the factors influencing the recent rapid increase in the number of postdoctoral positions in computer science.

Cloud Services Certification
From Communications of the ACM

Cloud Services Certification

How to address the lack of transparency, trust, and acceptance in cloud services.
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