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Communications of the ACM

Opinion Archive


The opinion archive provides access to past opinion stories from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

December 2016

From ACM Opinion

Robots Won't Kill the Workforce. They'll Save the Global Economy.

Robots Won't Kill the Workforce. They'll Save the Global Economy.

The United Nations forecasts that the global population will rise from 7.3 billion to nearly 10 billion by 2050, a big number that often prompts warnings about overpopulation.

From ACM Opinion

What Is 'military Artificial Intelligence'? 

What Is 'military Artificial Intelligence'? 

We are in an era of existential fear of technology.

From ACM Opinion

Trump's First 100 Days: Technology, Privacy and Intelligence 

Trump's First 100 Days: Technology, Privacy and Intelligence 

President-elect Donald Trump's views on technology and tech policy were not prominent campaign features on his contentious path to the White House.

From ACM Opinion

Beyond Touch: Tomorrow's Devices Will ­se Mems ­ltrasound to Hear Your Gestures

Beyond Touch: Tomorrow's Devices Will ­se Mems ­ltrasound to Hear Your Gestures

Today, we control our electronic world by touch—we tap, we swipe, we pinch and zoom.

From ACM Opinion

The New Words That Expose Our Smartphone Obsessions

The New Words That Expose Our Smartphone Obsessions

New words sometimes skewer a trend so perfectly you wonder how you survived without them. One of the most delightfully apt new phrases I've found in the last few years is a Chinese term:dī tóu zú (低頭族), literally the "bowed head…

From Communications of the ACM

Nailing Smoke

Nailing Smoke

Curation at the bleeding edge of technology.

From Communications of the ACM

Learning to Learn

Learning to Learn

Do you get stuck when it is time to learn something new? Read this.

From Communications of the ACM

Mentoring Female Assistant Professors Enhances Their Success

Mentoring Female Assistant Professors Enhances Their Success

A randomized controlled trial validates many of the practices used to retain women in academia.

From Communications of the ACM

(Mis)Managing Parallel Computing Research Through EU Project Funding

(Mis)Managing Parallel Computing Research Through EU Project Funding

Considering the possible negative long-term effects of EU projects on European scientific culture.

From Communications of the ACM

Assessing Abstraction Skills

Assessing Abstraction Skills

What makes a good question?

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