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Communications of the ACM

Opinion Archive


The opinion archive provides access to past opinion stories from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

July 2012

From Communications of the ACM

Can Online Piracy Be Stopped By Laws?

Can Online Piracy Be Stopped By Laws?

Considering the legal responsibilities of Internet intermediaries in the aftermath of the Stop Online Privacy Act controversy.

From Communications of the ACM

Alan Turing's Other Universal Machine

Alan Turing's Other Universal Machine

All computer scientists know about the Universal Turing Machine, one of the foundation stones of theoretical computer science. Much less well known is the practical stored program computer Turing proposed after the war in February…

From Communications of the ACM

The Challenges of Privacy By Design

The Challenges of Privacy By Design

Heralded by regulators, Privacy by Design holds the promise to solve the digital world's privacy problems. But there are immense challenges, including management commitment and step-by-step methods to integrate privacy into systems…

From Communications of the ACM

An Information Strategy For Environmental Sustainability

An Information Strategy For Environmental Sustainability

Many proposed solutions to the species-threatening transformations born of human industrialization have an engineering orientation. Often the suggested remedies do not adequately recognize the potential of information systems…

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