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Communications of the ACM

Opinion Archive


The opinion archive provides access to past opinion stories from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

July 2015

From ACM Opinion

The End of Encryption? Nsa & Fbi Seek New Backdoors Against Advice from Leading Security Experts

The End of Encryption? Nsa & Fbi Seek New Backdoors Against Advice from Leading Security Experts

FBI Director James Comey is set to testify against encryption before the Senate Intelligence Committee today, as the United States and Britain push for "exceptional access" to encrypted communications.

From ACM Opinion

Encryption, Public Safety, and 'going Dark'

Encryption, Public Safety, and 'going Dark'

I am worried we are talking past each other with respect to "Going Dark," so let me try to frame it in a way that I hope is fair-minded and provides a basis for healthy discussion.

From ACM Opinion

Saving Fuel with Software

Saving Fuel with Software

Energy efficiency isn't just a good idea from an environmental perspective; it makes business sense as well.

From ACM Opinion

The DARPA Robotics Challenge Was A Bust

The DARPA Robotics Challenge Was A Bust

It's been close to a month since the DARPA Robotics Challenge wrapped up. That's time enough to face facts. The biggest and most well-funded international robotics competition in years was a failure.

From ACM Opinion

The Very Best Ideas For Preventing Artificial Intelligence from Wrecking the Planet

The Very Best Ideas For Preventing Artificial Intelligence from Wrecking the Planet

The Boston-based Future of Life Institute, backed by a $10 million donation from Elon Musk, recently announced its list of 37 winners of research grants in the field of artificial intelligence.

From ACM News

Leap Motion's Augmented-Reality Computing Looks Stupid Cool

Leap Motion's Augmented-Reality Computing Looks Stupid Cool

We have a habit of filling new technologies with old ideas.

From ACM Opinion

Meet Our Future Robosimian Heroes

Meet Our Future Robosimian Heroes

Not all robots are built for war and destruction.

From ACM Opinion

Is Star Trek Tech Possible?

Is Star Trek Tech Possible?

My friend Veronica Belmont is pretty cool. Nerd, writer, TV host… and now she’s doing an online video series with Engadget called "Dear Veronica," where she answers tech/geek questions sent in by viewers.

From ACM Opinion

Failure of New ­.s. Weapons Systems May Be More Than Science Fiction

Failure of New ­.s. Weapons Systems May Be More Than Science Fiction

A war between China and America is a favorite subject of armchair military analysts. Why would it happen? How would it play out?

From ACM Opinion

Calculating Pluto's Mass With Snapshots From New Horizons

Calculating Pluto's Mass With Snapshots From New Horizons

As the New Horizons spacecraft is approaching Pluto, it's getting some great shots.

From ACM Opinion

Stephen Hawking Asks a Big Question of Mark Zuckerberg

Stephen Hawking Asks a Big Question of Mark Zuckerberg

Stephen Hawking woke up Tuesday morning and immediately summoned his handlers.

From Communications of the ACM

Respecting People and Respecting Privacy

Respecting People and Respecting Privacy

Minimizing data collection to protect user privacy and increase security.

From Communications of the ACM

An Updated Software Almanac

An Updated Software Almanac

Research into what makes software projects succeed.

From Communications of the ACM

Anti-Circumvention Rules Limit Reverse Engineering

Anti-Circumvention Rules Limit Reverse Engineering

Considering some of the requested exceptions to technical protection mechanisms.

From Communications of the ACM

Preserving the Digital Record of Computing History

Preserving the Digital Record of Computing History

Reflecting on the complexities associated with maintaining rapidly changing information technology.

From Communications of the ACM

African Americans in the U.S. Computing Sciences Workforce

African Americans in the U.S. Computing Sciences Workforce

An exploration of the education-to-work pipeline.

From Communications of the ACM

The Future of Computer Science and Engineering Is in Your Hands

The Future of Computer Science and Engineering Is in Your Hands

How government service can profoundly influence computer science research and education.

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