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Fake News: Can Teenagers Spot It?
From ACM Opinion

Fake News: Can Teenagers Spot It?

If we are to make it less of a threat to democracy, that effort is going to need to start in schools.

Will AI and Blockchain Be Game-Changers?
From ACM Opinion

Will AI and Blockchain Be Game-Changers?

This week saw another major achievement by Google's Deep Mind, when it showed that a neural network could learn to play Go in just three days, without even looking...

Facebook Fake News Row: Mark Zuckerberg Is a Politician Now
From ACM Opinion

Facebook Fake News Row: Mark Zuckerberg Is a Politician Now

I've long suspected that Mark Zuckerberg, who often refers to himself as the "leader" of Facebook, has dreams of high office.

Making AI Work in the Real World
From ACM Opinion

Making AI Work in the Real World

Until recently, AI seemed firmly stuck in the realm of science fiction.

North Korea: Surfing the Net in the World's Most Isolated Nation
From ACM Opinion

North Korea: Surfing the Net in the World's Most Isolated Nation

What's the point of a computer in a hermit country sealed off from the internet?

Can Virtual Reality Make You a Better Person?
From ACM Opinion

Can Virtual Reality Make You a Better Person?

"This is already so real, I don’t know if I even want to do this anymore," I say out loud.

Want to Learn Quicker? ­se Your Body
From ACM Opinion

Want to Learn Quicker? ­se Your Body

Ever got to grips with a problem? Picked up a new skill? Grasped a difficult concept? The language of learning is full of references to parts of the body outside...

Computer Code Frees ­S to Think in New Ways
From ACM Opinion

Computer Code Frees ­S to Think in New Ways

At the start of 2012, Michael Bloomberg, the mayor of New York tweeted: "My New Year's resolution is to learn to code with Codecademy."

Can Schools Survive in the Age of the Web?
From ACM Opinion

Can Schools Survive in the Age of the Web?

If you fancy a top-class education but can't afford the fee or the time, there is now an alternative.

Alan Turing: Why the Tech World's Hero Should Be a Household Name
From ACM Opinion

Alan Turing: Why the Tech World's Hero Should Be a Household Name

I've worked in computing, and more specifically computer networking, nearly all my life. It's an industry in a constant state of innovation, always pushing beyond...

The Disruptive Future of Printing
From ACM Opinion

The Disruptive Future of Printing

Imagine a school where a student could sketch out an idea for a new design of bicycle and not only draw it in 3D using a computer-aided design package but actually...
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