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Best Medical Science Images of 2015
From ACM Opinion

Best Medical Science Images of 2015

The Wellcome Trust has announced the 20 winners of its 2015 Image Awards for medical science images. Here are our favourites.

How Apple's Embrace of the New ­sb Points to World Without Wires
From ACM Opinion

How Apple's Embrace of the New ­sb Points to World Without Wires

Ready or not, Apple's new MacBook is cutting the computing industry's cables.

Rosie or Jarvis: The Future of the Smart Home Is Still in the Air
From ACM Opinion

Rosie or Jarvis: The Future of the Smart Home Is Still in the Air

The tech industry once again can't decide: When it comes to the home of the future, will it have a centralized computer telling you when to mop floors, clean windows...

How the Supreme Court Ruling Affects Aereo, the Cloud, and You
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How the Supreme Court Ruling Affects Aereo, the Cloud, and You

The chief of streaming-TV start-up Aereo has said his mission to bring unbundled broadcast TV to the Internet has greater stakes than just the fate of his company—and...

Farewell Nokia: The Rise and Fall of a Mobile Pioneer
From ACM Opinion

Farewell Nokia: The Rise and Fall of a Mobile Pioneer

You never forget your first cellphone.

Microsoft Ceo Nadella's Top Challenge: Figuring Out Mobile
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Microsoft Ceo Nadella's Top Challenge: Figuring Out Mobile

Microsoft stands at a crossroads when it comes to mobile.

5 Questions For Edward Snowden That Aren't Exactly About the Nsa
From ACM Opinion

5 Questions For Edward Snowden That Aren't Exactly About the Nsa

The world's most famous former intelligence contractor, Edward Snowden, is scheduled to answer questions posted on Twitter in an hour-long Webcast on Thursday.

How Isaac Asimov Got 2014 Both So Right and So Wrong
From ACM Opinion

How Isaac Asimov Got 2014 Both So Right and So Wrong

In 1964, legendary writer of science fiction and science fact Isaac Asimov visited the World's Fair, where a General Electric pavilion chronicling advances in electric...

Intelligence Chief Clapper Cites 'casablanca' in Dismissing Merkel Mess
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Intelligence Chief Clapper Cites 'casablanca' in Dismissing Merkel Mess

You must remember this: A kiss is just a kiss, a spy is just a spy.

Yep, Apple's A7 Looks Twice As Fast–at Least For Fractal Math
From ACM Opinion

Yep, Apple's A7 Looks Twice As Fast–at Least For Fractal Math

Is Apple's A7 chip twice as fast at processing and graphics, as Apple promised when announcing the new iPhone 5S?

Frax App Brings Fractal-Exploration Glory to iOS
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Frax App Brings Fractal-Exploration Glory to iOS

In 1983, intrigued by an article on fractals, I wrote a program to display the Mandelbrot set on my family's TRS-80 Color Computer.

Behold! Jonathan Ive's Apple
From ACM Opinion

Behold! Jonathan Ive's Apple

Apple is today releasing the much-anticipated iOS 7, and with it, the biggest overhaul of its mobile operating system since it debuted in 2007 with the original...

Grand Theft Auto V Lives ­p to Hype, Steals Its Car, Sets House on Fire
From ACM Opinion

Grand Theft Auto V Lives ­p to Hype, Steals Its Car, Sets House on Fire

I'm trying to put into words how difficult a situation it is attempting to summarize my thoughts on a game that I've only been playing for two weeks when I know...

The Real Reasons Apple's 64-Bit A7 Chip Makes Sense
From ACM Opinion

The Real Reasons Apple's 64-Bit A7 Chip Makes Sense

Apple injected a lot of marketing hyperbole into its claims about the wonders of 64-bit computing when it showed off the A7 processor at the heart of the new ...

Virtual Reality For Your Hands
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Virtual Reality For Your Hands

Computers already have keyboards. They have mice and touch pads. They even have touch screens. But is there room for a totally new interface?

Would You Go Full Cyborg?
From ACM Opinion

Would You Go Full Cyborg?

It's only a matter of time, really. Google Glass, Epson's Movierio, the Oculus Rift, and similar technologies are at the cutting edge of wearable technologies....

From 'wargames' to Aaron Swartz: How ­.s. Anti-Hacking Law Went Astray
From ACM Opinion

From 'wargames' to Aaron Swartz: How ­.s. Anti-Hacking Law Went Astray

Aaron Swartz, the Internet activist who committed suicide while facing the possibility of a felony criminal conviction, was prosecuted under a law that was never...

How Samsung Broke Away from the Android Pack
From ACM Opinion

How Samsung Broke Away from the Android Pack

As successful as Samsung's Galaxy S franchise is now, it's easy to forget the Korean consumer electronics giant's first attempt at the American smartphone market...

6 Things I Want to Do with Nfc
From ACM Opinion

6 Things I Want to Do with Nfc

Tapping your phone on a console to pay for fries and a Coke is cool. Yet until the stars align, it's not how you'll be using NFC, the Near Field Communications...

Why Teens Are Tiring of Facebook
From ACM Opinion

Why Teens Are Tiring of Facebook

To understand where teens like to spend their virtual time nowadways, just watch them on their smartphones.
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