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Facebook Is What's Wrong with America, Says Tech Billionaire Benioff
From ACM Opinion

Facebook Is What's Wrong with America, Says Tech Billionaire Benioff

Salesforce CEO warns that deception on social media is making it harder to solve societal challenges

It's Not Just Facebook. Thousands of Companies Are Spying on You 
From ACM Opinion

It's Not Just Facebook. Thousands of Companies Are Spying on You 

In the wake of the Cambridge Analytica scandal, news articles and commentators have focused on what Facebook knows about us. A lot, it turns out.

Nasa's Bold Bet on Juno Will Pay Off. Stay Tuned.
From ACM News

Nasa's Bold Bet on Juno Will Pay Off. Stay Tuned.

Memory-foam mattresses. The breathing devices firefighters wear. And infrared ear thermometers that give near-instant readings.

A Computer Takes On a Human Master of the Board Game Go
From ACM Opinion

A Computer Takes On a Human Master of the Board Game Go

In 1997, IBM's Deep Blue computer defeated the world chess champion Garry Kasparov. It was a momentous occasion for artificial intelligence, showing how far a clever...

China's Xiaomi's Is Changing the ­.s. Too
From ACM Opinion

China's Xiaomi's Is Changing the ­.s. Too

Xiaomi is the most important phone manufacturer you've never heard of.

From Windows to the Xbox: Bill Gates' 'pioneering' Impact
From ACM Opinion

From Windows to the Xbox: Bill Gates' 'pioneering' Impact

To ask what impact Bill Gates has had on computing is, in a way, too small a question.

Why I'll Never Ditch My Blackberry
From ACM Opinion

Why I'll Never Ditch My Blackberry

My BlackBerry is my lifeline.

If 'e.t.' Finds Voyager 1, Will It Phone Earth?
From ACM Opinion

If 'e.t.' Finds Voyager 1, Will It Phone Earth?

In 1519, Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan launched the expedition that completed the first circumnavigation of the globe. And so humanity learned the full...

Snowden—Facts, Fictions, and  Fears
From ACM Opinion

Snowden—Facts, Fictions, and Fears

"Any analyst at any time can target anyone. Any selector, anywhere ... I, sitting at my desk, certainly had the authorities to wiretap anyone, from you or your...

Why Fbi and CIA Didn't Connect the Dots
From ACM Opinion

Why Fbi and CIA Didn't Connect the Dots

The FBI and the CIA are being criticized for not keeping better track of Tamerlan Tsarnaev in the months before the Boston Marathon bombings.

Digital Tattoos, Mind-Reading Headphones: The Shape of Things to Come?
From ACM Opinion

Digital Tattoos, Mind-Reading Headphones: The Shape of Things to Come?

Forecasting future technology has never been easy. In the 1950s, scientists and technologists envisaged that by now the world would be free from disease, traversed...

17 of Apple's Favorite Apps
From ACM Opinion

17 of Apple's Favorite Apps

Steve Jobs was a stickler for detail, requiring final approval on everything from ads to wording on his Keynote presentations. It's no surprise then that the company...

How Secure Is the Papal Election?
From ACM News

How Secure Is the Papal Election?

As the College of Cardinals prepares to elect a new pope, security people like me wonder about the process. How does it work, and just how hard would it be to hack...

How Samsung Is Out-Innovating Apple
From ACM Opinion

How Samsung Is Out-Innovating Apple

There's no arguing that Apple set the standard for modern mobile devices with the iPhone and the iPad. It didn't take long after those two products launched for...

Make Guns Smart
From ACM Opinion

Make Guns Smart

Voices across the political spectrum are debating how to prevent mass shootings such as the one in Newtown, Connecticut.

How to Design a Better World
From ACM Opinion

How to Design a Better World

When I was young, my teachers praised me for being good at math and art, but my father would always tell people, "You know, John is good at math."

How Smartphones Make ­S Superhuman
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How Smartphones Make ­S Superhuman

Both men lit themselves on fire in protest. But only one of them is credited with starting a revolution.

Why I Love Mars
From ACM Opinion

Why I Love Mars

Every now and then, I spend time on Mars. I dig my naked toes into the fine, red-orange soil, watch how it clings to my skin—and feel an incipient itch.

Why Faces Matter to Facebook
From ACM Opinion

Why Faces Matter to Facebook

Facebook really wants to know what you look like.

A National Id Card that Protects Voting Rights
From ACM Opinion

A National Id Card that Protects Voting Rights

In December, the U.S. Department of Justice intervened under the Voting Rights Act to stay a South Carolina voter ID law.
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